Private 1-1 Arabic (15 lessons per week)

Lirom Israel Language Center


A tanfolyamok témakörei

Hallgatása, beszélő, kiejtés, olvasás, írás, szókincs, nyelvtan és tevékenységek


A tanfolyam időtartama
1-52 hét
Kezdő dátumok
Minden hétfőn
Heti óraszám
15 lessons per week (minden tanóra 45 perces)
Tanítási napok
hétfő - péntek és vasárnap

Az órarend változhat az elérhetőség és az évszak függvényében.


Why study Arabic abroad in Israel at Lirom Global Education's Language Center?

Lirom Language Center specializes in the study of Arabic and affords Westerners the opportunity to come and study Arabic abroad in Israel. Its Arabic Language Study Abroad Program is designed to accelerate your Arabic language learning experience and provides you with the opportunity to:

• Study in Israel - the world’s single Western democracy in which Arabic is officially spoken,
where almost 20% of the population are native-Arabic speakers
• Receive one-on-one flexible, tailor-made, yet affordable tutoring in either Modern Standard Arabic
MSA or in the local dialect - Levantine
• Learn the Arabic Language with a highly qualified Arabic native-speaking instructor or Arabic as a
Second Language teacher.
• Live the Arabic language by being immersed in its culture and its people
• Internalize the Arabic language – begin to speak, listen and think like a native-speaker
• Accelerate your Arabic language learning experience by taking the lessons beyond the classroom.

Take advantage of our great deals:

To add additional lessons for only $65 an hour, consult your student advisor. Take more than 20 lessons a week and each addition lesson is only $55 an hour!

For groups of up to 3 people, the 2nd and 3rd student only pay HALF price!

A world of intrigue and excitement awaits you when you study Arabic abroad in Israel with Lirom GE

Tanulmányi szint

Minden szint, kezdőtől a haladóig
Az első nap tesztírásra kerül sor a szint meghatározásához. Ön is ezt a tesztet az érkezés előtt be !Régióban.


Átlag 1 diák
Maximum 3 diák

A diákok életkora

Korcsoport 17 éves és idősebb


A nyelvtanfolyam végén az elvégzést igazoló bizonyítványt állítunk ki.


  • City of Tel Aviv 1/5
  • Apartments offered by Lirom Israel Language Center 2/5
  • Apartments offered by Lirom Israel Language Center 3/5
  • Apartments offered by Lirom Israel Language Center 4/5
  • Apartments offered by Lirom Israel Language Center 5/5


92% ajánl

13 vélemény alapján
5 csillag
4 csillag
3 csillag
2 csillag
1 csillag
A tanítás minősége
Az iskola létesítményei
Szabadidős tevékenységek
Az iskola elhelyezkedése

"The school organized a private teacher for my one week stay in Tel Aviv. She was an excellent teacher, and I really improved my Hebrew within one week of intense teaching and practice."

Dana M Schmidt-Krayer, a diák lakhelye Németország

Because I was only in Israel for a week I received a private teacher in her home. We went out shopping and to restaurants so I could practice Hebrew in real life situations. I really enjoyed this week of learning and hope to have the opportunity to do it again.
I did not care for the arranged housing so I booked my own arrangements.


Osztályzatom ennek az iskolának

A tanítás minősége
Szabadidős tevékenységek
Az iskola elhelyezkedése
A tanfolyam dátuma
25 Sep 2023 - 29 Sep 2023
Ajánlaná ezt az iskolát?
Ez egy igazolt értékelés. Ez a hallgató a Language International-nál foglalt tanfolyamot.
Lirom Lang. Center, Enrollment at Lirom Israel Language Center responded to this review.
19 October 2023

Dana, so happy to hear that you felt the impact on your Hebrew skills and combined 1-1 lessons with immersion excursions. The high holidays period limited the number of study days in the week you chose and our instructor extended study hours to compensate for a shorter study week.
If we had known while you were here that there was an issue with the accommodation, we would have addressed it immediately.

"Old school teaching for a high price"

Talia Segall, a diák lakhelye Amerika

The classes were held in the home of a private teacher. The teacher was extremely nice and a decent teacher based on traditional methods. I was quite surprised because the program was sold to us based on the idea that a teacher would be taking my daughter around Tel Aviv and teaching her through conversation about what they were seeing and experiencing.
While the teacher was extremely sweet, she had no knowledge that this was part of the program, nor did she even know where my daughter was referred to her from.
The classes were extremely expensive. If I had known that the classes were to be taught in a traditional manner, I never would have chosen this program.


Osztályzatom ennek az iskolának

A tanítás minősége
Szabadidős tevékenységek
A tanfolyam dátuma
24 Jul 2023 - 28 Jul 2023
Ajánlaná ezt az iskolát?
Ez egy igazolt értékelés. Ez a hallgató a Language International-nál foglalt tanfolyamot.

"Excellent experience, excellent teacher."

Leigh Smith, a diák lakhelye Amerika

I stayed in a hotel and cannot comment on anything but the quality of my instructor. For this reason, my rating below is a three regarding everything except my instructor.


Osztályzatom ennek az iskolának

A tanítás minősége
Az iskola létesítményei
Szabadidős tevékenységek
Az iskola elhelyezkedése
A tanfolyam dátuma
7 Nov 2022 - 11 Nov 2022
Ajánlaná ezt az iskolát?
Ez egy igazolt értékelés. Ez a hallgató a Language International-nál foglalt tanfolyamot.

"Great experience!"

Vanessa Kurz, a diák lakhelye Németország

I had a private course in Tel Aviv with my teacher Kim. She was very flexible, made me feel comfortable and it was really fun to learn from her. Even though it was only one week, I feel like I have learned a lot.

I can highly recommend Lirom and teacher Kim!


Osztályzatom ennek az iskolának

A tanítás minősége
Az iskola létesítményei
Szabadidős tevékenységek
Az iskola elhelyezkedése
A tanfolyam dátuma
17 Sep 2019 - 20 Sep 2019
Ajánlaná ezt az iskolát?
Ez egy igazolt értékelés. Ez a hallgató a Language International-nál foglalt tanfolyamot.

"Didn't attend the centre"

Mike Haberfield, a diák lakhelye Ausztrália

Met teacher Shay at cafes.
Shay is very personable.
He provided me with excellent exercises to complete as homework.
He also wrote notes in front of me to explain grammar
We also spent time only talking in Hebrew, despite my limited vocabulary.
This gave me some confidence in my ability to learn and speak.


Osztályzatom ennek az iskolának

A tanítás minősége
A tanfolyam időtartama
2 hét
A tanfolyam dátuma
26 Dec 2018 - 10 Jan 2019
Ajánlaná ezt az iskolát?
Ez egy igazolt értékelés. Ez a hallgató a Language International-nál foglalt tanfolyamot.

"Amazing experience"

Monika Maleckova, a diák lakhelye Csehország

Everything was absolutely awesome and I have nothing bad to say about anything. My experience with the school and the teacher was great; Shay made sure that I learn as much as possible and even though I often had a lot of work to do I very much enjoyed it and found it very helpful and useful. Location, facilities and housing were without any kind of problem or complaint from my part, it was just great and pleasant.


Osztályzatom ennek az iskolának

A tanítás minősége
Az iskola létesítményei
Szabadidős tevékenységek
Az iskola elhelyezkedése
A tanfolyam dátuma
5 Nov 2018 - 9 Nov 2018
Ajánlaná ezt az iskolát?
Ez egy igazolt értékelés. Ez a hallgató a Language International-nál foglalt tanfolyamot.

"I learned a lot in a fun and efficient way."

Anna Schönenbahc

I studied Hebrew with my personal teacher for those days in her apartment. The course were three hours a day for four days. Her apartment was in the center of Tel Aviv and really good to reach so it was very convinient. Kim, my teacher was very nice and competent. She learned with me through spoken word and work sheets wich helped a lot to learn writing and reading. She always made me feel comfortable and helped me, but also pushed me which was very good. There was not a thing I can think of which I did not like. I feel like I know a lot more about the language and can make some very simple conversations.


Osztályzatom ennek az iskolának

A tanítás minősége
Az iskola létesítményei
Szabadidős tevékenységek
Az iskola elhelyezkedése
A tanfolyam dátuma
2 Apr 2018 - 5 Apr 2018
Ajánlaná ezt az iskolát?

"I was totally satisfied and look forward to go back next year!"

Maria Victoria Simon Gonzalez

My teacher, Shay, was extremely kind and professional. The lessons were very well adapted to my level and I am pleased with the progress made. I stayed in a hotel at Allenby, near the beach, which enables me to go throughout the city, mostly walking, with no problems. Of curse the weather was fine! A happy experience!


Osztályzatom ennek az iskolának

A tanítás minősége
A tanfolyam dátuma
12 Mar 2018 - 18 Mar 2018
Ajánlaná ezt az iskolát?

"Very good and nice teacher who had a lot of experience."

Jakoba Inama, a diák lakhelye Ausztria

I've been in Tel Aviv for three weeks and I took a language class in Arabic with my teacher Elie Naaman. It had been my first attempt in this language, I really started at zero. Elie was really nice and after only a few hours of studying together I already felt like I was getting better in Arabic. At the end of my visit in Tel Aviv I really learned a lot, thanks to the help of my teacher. He was also very spontaneous, we often meet at the campus and also in cafes close to the place where I stayed. For me it was the perfect holiday, accompanied with a lot of fun in learning a new language.


Osztályzatom ennek az iskolának

A tanítás minősége
Az iskola létesítményei
Szabadidős tevékenységek
Az iskola elhelyezkedése
A tanfolyam időtartama
3 hét
A tanfolyam dátuma
10 Apr 2016 - 2 May 2016
Ajánlaná ezt az iskolát?
Ez egy igazolt értékelés. Ez a hallgató a Language International-nál foglalt tanfolyamot.

"Excellent course!"

Emmanuelle Sirat, a diák lakhelye Franciaország

This is the first time I had a Hebrew course in Israel, especially a one-on-one.
My teacher, Shay, is very knowledgeable, patient and very nice!
I stayed in a studio in the center of Tel Aviv that allowed me to move around easily to see family and friends.
The progress I made in 2 weeks is considerable!
The system "turnkey" was planned in advance by Lirom which allows us to think not only lessons but also leisure upon arrival!

Do not hesitate a moment to contact Lirom for your language courses!



Osztályzatom ennek az iskolának

A tanítás minősége
A tanfolyam időtartama
1 hét
A tanfolyam dátuma
22 Feb 2016 - 4 Mar 2016
Ajánlaná ezt az iskolát?
Ez egy igazolt értékelés. Ez a hallgató a Language International-nál foglalt tanfolyamot.

"Learning Hebrew in Tel Aviv"

Maria de los Angeles Lopez Montero, a diák lakhelye Spanyolország

This was my first class ever in Hebrew. I had a one to one class with my teacher Shay. The classes were very good and Shay was an excellent teacher, very knowledegeable and very patient. The lessons fullfilled my expectations and my objective, which was to get a "push" to start learning Hebrew. To attend my classes, I went to a flat which was 20 minutes from the place I was living at, so it was nice that it was so close.

I loved Tel Aviv, although it was awfully hot at this time of year. I lived in an apartment right off Dizengoff Square, in a beautiful Bauhaus building, 10 minutes from the beach.


Osztályzatom ennek az iskolának

A tanítás minősége
Az iskola elhelyezkedése
A tanfolyam dátuma
10 Aug 2015 - 14 Aug 2015
Ajánlaná ezt az iskolát?
Ez egy igazolt értékelés. Ez a hallgató a Language International-nál foglalt tanfolyamot.

"My experience was amazing!"

Anna Chang

I had an excellent experience with Lirom Language Center. My teacher Gil was very educated, patient, and easy to get along with. He came to every lesson on time and well prepared with relevant material and a positive attitude. I can honestly say I looked forward to each and every lesson and finished them feeling extremely satisfied. In the short two weeks I feel like I learned so much with material far more complex than I had even imagined. I loved the structure of the book we worked out of because it got us to a much higher level of speaking at a very rapid yet understandable pace. Gil's teaching methods of drawing grammar and structural connections to Hebrew as well as encouraging us to make associations for the vocabulary to help with memorization was really helpful. Gil created a very comfortable and fun learning environment, helping guide us through our mistakes while celebrating our small victories. Going out onto the streets and trying to practice our Arabic was both enriching and validating as well as a nice break from the intensity of our book work. Overall, I got a very good impression of the Lirom Language Center and would love to come back and learn more!


Osztályzatom ennek az iskolának

A tanítás minősége
Az iskola létesítményei
Szabadidős tevékenységek
Az iskola elhelyezkedése
A tanfolyam időtartama
2 hét
A tanfolyam dátuma
4 Aug 2014 - 18 Aug 2014
Ajánlaná ezt az iskolát?

"Lirom really takes care of their students. They try to organize everything so that you can have a great stay."

Julia Traar, a diák lakhelye Ausztria

I had a private course in Tel Aviv. My teacher lives next to my apartment so it was really comfortable to reach her.

My teacher was really great. Absolutely an amazing teacher! I really learned a lot although I just stayed for one week.

The lessons took place every day for two hours (she was very flexible with what time I want the lessons to take place).

I can highly recommend Lirom!


Osztályzatom ennek az iskolának

A tanítás minősége
Szabadidős tevékenységek
A tanfolyam dátuma
7 Jul 2014 - 11 Jul 2014
Ajánlaná ezt az iskolát?
Ez egy igazolt értékelés. Ez a hallgató a Language International-nál foglalt tanfolyamot.


Lirom a következő szállás-típusokat ajánlja:

Apartman - Single-person room - Nem kér étkezést

Ft 376.458

Private apartment - Single-person room - No meals

Korcsoport: 18 éves és idősebb
Hely: In the city center of Tel Aviv
Szállás típusa: Magánapartman
Szoba típusa: Single-person room
Étkezés típusa: Nem kér étkezést
Létesítmények: Fürdőszoba, konyha, vezeték nélküli internet, ingyenes internet, és légkondicionálás
Elérhetőség: január - december
Érkezés napja: vasárnap, 03:00 után
Elutazás napja: vasárnap, 11:00 előtt
Ft 376.458
In order to ensure that your stay in Israel is as simple and enjoyable as possible, Lirom Global Education can provide students with the opportunity to live in fully equipped studio apartments. The studio apartments are located near wherever you choose to study.

Each student choosing to rent accommodation through Lirom GE will receive a fully furnished studio apartment complete with a bed, desk, private bathroom and kitchenette, equipped with a mini fridge, microwave and stove top. The apartments are all inclusive, including additional costs such as air conditioning, wireless Internet, city tax, electricity, water, television and weekly maid service.

Students may choose to live together in a shared room in order to reduce their accommodation costs.
Pricing is $140/night for a student on there own in a studio flat, or $180/night for 2 students in a shared studio-flat accommodation.

Dorms or hotel rooms of all levels are also available upon request.

Apartman - 2-fő közös szobában - Nem kér étkezést

Ft 484.018

Private apartment - 2-person shared room - No meals - 2 students must book together

Korcsoport: 15 éves és idősebb
Szállás típusa: Magánapartman
Szoba típusa: 2-fő közös szobában
Étkezés típusa: Nem kér étkezést
Létesítmények: Fürdőszoba, konyha, vezeték nélküli internet, és légkondicionálás
Elérhetőség: január - december
Érkezés napja: vasárnap, 03:00 után
Elutazás napja: vasárnap, 11:00 előtt
Korlátozások: 2 diák regisztrálnia kell együtt
Ft 484.018
In order to ensure that your stay in Israel is as simple and enjoyable as possible, Lirom Global Education can provide students with the opportunity to live in fully equipped studio apartments. The studio apartments are located near wherever you choose to study.

Each student choosing to rent accommodation through Lirom GE will receive a fully furnished studio apartment complete with a bed, desk, private bathroom and kitchenette, equipped with a mini fridge, microwave and stove top. The apartments are all inclusive, including additional costs such as air conditioning, wireless Internet, city tax, electricity, water, television and weekly maid service.

Students may choose to live together in a shared room in order to reduce their accommodation costs.
Pricing is $99/night for a student on there own in a studio flat, or $130/night for 2 students in a shared studio-flat accommodation.

Additional nights, dorms or hotel rooms of all levels are also available upon request.


Nem folyamodhatunk vízumért diákjaink részére, de az iskola el tudja látni Önt a vízumigényléshez szükséges összes irattal.

A fogadó-nyilatkozatot külön költségek nélkül küldjük otthoni címére általános levélként.

Repülőjáratok és repülőtéri transzfer

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Tel Aviv based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Utazási biztosítás

Aggodalmak nélkül tanulhat külföldön a Language International betegség- és poggyászbiztosításával. Amikor lefoglalja a nyelvtanfolyamot, köthet nemzetközi biztosítást, amely nemcsak egészségügyi ellátásra, hanem a személyes tárgyak elvesztésére is vonatkozik. A biztosítást regisztrációkor előre kell megkötni.

További információ a biztosításról »


Kérdések és válaszok

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