Huara Spanish School
Pasaje San Fernando #200,, Pichilemu, Chile, Chile
Huara Spanish School
Hallgatása, beszélő, kiejtés, olvasás, írás, szókincs, nyelvtan és tevékenységek
You can choose from the following class times:
Az órarend változhat az elérhetőség és az évszak függvényében.
This is an special course for students who like to study alone and covert different topics, besides of the school program. The class will be divided to cover different learning skills and also to keep an order of learning, depending on how many weeks the student will be here, every Monday they will receive the weekly material, every class there is going to be some new and extra material
Átlag | 1 diák |
Maximum | 1 diák |
Korcsoport | 18 - 75 éves |
Átlag | 30 éves (25 a nyáron) |
A Huara Iskola egy kellemes légkört biztosít a tanulnáshoz, pihenéshez, és utazások megterevezéséhez. Tőlünk könnyen eljuthatsz a város más érdekes helyeire, különböző strandok, szörfiskolák, kulturális helyi történelmi helyek, könyvtár, parkok, és sok egyéb van tőlünk sétatávolságra, de használhatod az egyik biciklinket is, ha valahova el szeretnél menni.
Az óráinkon minden szükséges nyelvismeretet megkapsz, de sok Chilei kulturával és hagyománnyal kapcsolatos információt is kapsz, függetlenül attól, hogy magán-vagy csoportos órákat veszel, élvezni fogod a nyelvünk megismerését, és a lehetőséget, hogy megismerheted Chilét és a gyökereit is.
A Huara felszereltségének része egy terasz, ingyenes internet hozzáférés, konyha, könyvtár és kényelmes helyek a tanuláshoz vagy az iskola utáni pihenéshez.
Minden hétfőn tájékoztatunk a hét kulturális és extra tevékenységeiről, például az amerikai Chilei főzőtanfolyamról, a szövésről, a helyi gyümölcs-és zöldségpiacra való látogatásról vagy a hagyományos városi ünnepségekről.
Fő célunk, hogy a spanyol nyelvet családias, barátságos környezetben tanítsuk, hogy otthon érezhesd magad, valamint segítsünk abban is, hogy egyedi Latin élményed lehessen.
Az Huara Spanish School iskolában a nemzetiségi és életkori összetétel időszakonként, tanfolyamonként és szintenként eltérő. Az átlagéletkor 30 év az egész évre vetítve. Nyáron az átlagéletkor 25 év.
diákjai a világ minden tájáról érkeznek, így
A Huara spanyol iskola egy szép környéken található, 1 háztömbnyire a fő sugárúttól Pichilemuban, amely összeköti a belvárost Punta De Lobosszal, a fő szörfös helyszínnel Pichilemuban. A" Infiernillo " strand 7 háztömbnyire van.
Körülbelül 15 perc alatt bejuthatsz a városba, ha szeretsz sétálni, de a tömegközlekedés elérhető egész nap egy nagyon megfizethető áron. A városban különböző éttermek, kávézók, és remek éjszakai élet vár, különösen nyáron. Az iskolától pár háztömbnyire jó pár étterem van, és bevásárló központ is kávézókkal, éttermekkel és kézműves boltokkal.
This may have been a great school in former years, but the current situation is untenable. I arrived at the school on Wednesday at 10am for my class, went into the student accommodation to use the bathroom, and found the owner and my teacher asleep in the bedroom with the door wide open next to a man. It was the most uncomfortable situation I’ve been in in a long while. Another student had to wake the teacher. When she joined us, she appeared as if she could be drunk or hungover. Upon reflection, each morning it appeared as if she was perhaps hungover.
One student had a discussion with our teacher that day after class to speak to her about her unprofessional behaviour and ask that she turn the week around. The next day, the teacher effectively called us bad students because we hadn’t paid enough attention at the market excursion.
In summary: under no circumstance should you stay in the student accommodation, where the teacher lives and (from what I heard from the young woman who stayed there) parties with men almost every night. I’d advise you to reconsider attending this school for the time being.
I liked my experience at Huara Spanish School in Pichilemu very much. My teacher was knowledgeable, nice and passionate about teaching. The littke town Pichilemu is charming and the beaches are amazing.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...I absolutely loved the week of Spanish lessons. Katterina was a fantastic teacher, she was super helpful for myself coming from knowing pretty much no Spanish.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...caring and personal teaching even though we were at different levels. Pichilemu has an active city life, beautiful nature and fantastic beaches. The school is also very active with good experiences during free time. Remember warm clothes because it is cold sometimes.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...I definitely recommend Huara Spanishschool. I had one month of spanishclasses and I am very happy I picked this school. Katterina is an enthusiastic and creative teacher, and she was very good at making me feel like all of the classes was personally made for my needs and my level of Spanish.
Here you do not only learn Spanish, Katterina also shows you Pichilemu. We went to exhibitions, museums and foodmarkets, where she helped us practice what we learned in the classroom.
Thanks Ursula for your comment, I really enjoyed our month of classes, it has been great to meet you. Keep practicing and let me know if you have questions
Great localization
Katterina shows you Pichilemu and the chilean culture what is so nice.
I took the Traveler's Spanish Course and it has been invaluable. After one week, I feel so much more capable communicating in Spanish as I travel South America. Katterina is an excellent teacher and incredibly welcoming. I especially enjoyed our outing to the Cultural Center and the Museum. It was wonderful to learn about Pichilemu's history and community while practicing Spanish conversation.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...Thanks Ericka for your review, it was awesome being your teacher, you are a such a nice person and great student, I am so glad you enjoyed your time at Huara and in Pichilemu
Huara Spanish School is the perfect place to learn or improve your Spanish.
The lessons are structured and fun.
The teacher is such a warm and interesting woman, it's a treat to just be at her home property.
The option to continue lessons after your time in Pichilemu over Google Hangouts or Skype is a great bonus, as it allows the student to progress with the same program.
As a bonus, the school house, property, garden and everything about the place is so gorgeous you won't want to leave. She even drove us down to the surf school to get us a good deal on board rentals afterwards. So much effort and kindness.
Thanks Huara!
Muchas gracias Russelly and Ainsley, it was wonderful to meet you both and thanks for your words, I love what I do and my main goal is to provide a full and unique experience for those who wants to really learn Spanish and get involved in our culture, we will see each other soon during our online classes, gracias chicos!!
Gleich zu Beginn, als Katterina uns am ersten Tag in unserem Hostel abholte, machte sie einen liebenswerten Eindruck ( was sich die Woche über auch nicht ändern sollte :))
Unser einwöchiger „Travelers-Course“ für Anfänger war sehr kurzweilig und abwechslungsreich. Der Unterricht beschränkte sich nicht nur auf‘s Klassenzimmer sondern wir machten auch einen Tagesausflug in verschiedene Museen des Dorfes, in denen wir gegen Ende der Woche schon so viel aus Katterina‘s Unterricht mitgenommen hatten um den jeweiligen Informationen, welche sie uns auf spanisch gab, gut folgen zu können. Am Freitagabend wurde dann die Woche perfekt mit typisch chilenischem Barbecue außerhalb der Unterrichtszeit abgerundet.
Alles in allem war es eine schöne Woche, nach der wir uns in der Lage fühlen die Grundlegenden Hürden des Reisens in spanischsprachigen Ländern überwinden zu können.
Muchas gracias Mark and Nanja, it was a pleassure to be your teacher, I am so happy you enjoyed your experience studing with me, keep having fun and practicing, you are wonderful persons, hasta siempre amigos
Staying and studying at Huara Language school was a great experience both educationally and to be in a lovely space with an awesome family. Katta is a great teacher and a kind person whose hospitality I cannot speak highly enough of. The beginner lessons I did set up a great base for learning and have helped me speak with people throughout South America. The room was comfortable, plus learning and living in the same place is really nice. Pichilemu itself is a really cosy town and going around it with locals is obviously a great vibe. I wish I had longer than 1 week to stay there! The kindness of the family is easily felt during your stay and I would highly recommend to anyone thinking about doing a language course. I would love to go back!
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...
thanks a lot for your review, it was a great experience having you at home and at my school, you are a wonderful person and now one more of my family, my kids loved you and you got now how to make great barbeque!! have a great time travelling in Latin America and I really hope you can come back, muchas gracias por todo
I would like to thank Kattarina and her family for this Month incredible. The classes are very interesting, I learned a lot! Kattarina has patience, and she's a professional! Also the Cabaña for perfect. Clean, nice with all things to spend a week .. two .. three or more! Thanks again! Ugo
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...Ugo I would like to thank you for being with us for a month, we really enjoyed your stay and friendship, I am impressed with your Spanish progress and I am even more happy that being here had been a wonderful experience. You have a family here in Chile. Good luck in all your projects.
Huara Spanish School gives me the possibility to develop my ability of speaking foreign languages.
Katterina (the teacher) had a lot of patience with me, she let me speak instead of all sentences are fake.
The lesson is created only by her which is rarely used to and gives us all what we need.
I was a really catastrophic beginner who can’t say one sentence and after 2 weeks I was able to answer simple question which is incredible for me.
First of all, we feel in confiance with her and her wonderful family ! Thank you for all !
Je recommande cette de langue pour tous niveaux, étant au niveau le plus bas, Katterina m’a permis de gagner en confiance en moi et de me pousser à m’exprimer le plus possible ce qui est primordial dans la pratique d’une langue.
Elle peut aussi vous donner de nombreux conseils à propos de la culture chilienne et de ces activités !
Hi mi name is Emilie, I come from France, I’ve been traveling for 6months in latine America and I’ve decided to take Spanish classes to improve my Spanish in order to talk better with the local people during my trip.
I took 20hours of private courses with Katterina divided into 2 weeks, it means 2 hours per days except the weekend. It was a very good rythm to learn efficiently Spanish. I had no level when I started and after 20hours I reached level A2, it means that I can now introduce myself, order something in the restaurant, at the market (on the wednesdays we went to the Feria with Katterina in order to practise what we learned in class), I can talk about my day, activities and understand each other. Personally, my teacher helped me to learn the basics and to break the language barriers. The good atmosphere during the classes indoors and outdoors were also very enjoyable, lots of word games and laughs. Entounces muchas gracias Huara school !
I had a great time studying with an enthusiastic and experienced teacher. She took great care providing me with exactly the materials, vocabulary etc. I needed to enhance my language skills and always provided individual and personalized classes.
Meeting the teacher´s family, going to the market together and staying in the beautiful little town of Pichilemu made this a unique and authentic experience that helped me improve my Spanish and learn a lot about the local culture and customs.
The equipment of the school is basic but you have everything you need to have a good class.
I very much enjoy my language lessons, my teacher is great, the lessons are fun and engaging, and the location is convenient.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...Muchas gracias Geree, I am very happy you enjoyed your experience
A diákszállók független diákok számára alkalmasabbak, akik tiszta, alapvető szállást keresnek kedvező áron. A diákoknak 18 - 70 kell lenniük, hacsak másképp nem jelezzük. A szállás a nyelvtanfolyam kezdete előtti vasárnaptól a tanfolyam utolsó napja utáni szombatig áll rendelkezésre, hacsak másképp nem jelezzük. A diákszállókban gyakran nem vehető igénybe étkezés. Több információ a diákszállásokról
Student residence (on-campus) - 2-person shared room - No meals - 2 students must book together
Student residence (on-campus) - Single-person room - No meals
Nem folyamodhatunk vízumért diákjaink részére.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Pichilemu based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Aggodalmak nélkül tanulhat külföldön a Language International betegség- és poggyászbiztosításával. Amikor lefoglalja a nyelvtanfolyamot, köthet nemzetközi biztosítást, amely nemcsak egészségügyi ellátásra, hanem a személyes tárgyak elvesztésére is vonatkozik. A biztosítást regisztrációkor előre kell megkötni.
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Tegyen fel kérdéstHuara Spanish School