EC English Language Schools: London
Euston House, 24 Eversholt Street, London, NW1 1AD, UK
EC English Language Schools: London
Hallgatása, beszélő, kiejtés, olvasás, írás, szókincs és nyelvtan
EC London nem tart órákat a fenti ünnepnapokon. Az iskola nem nyújt kárpótlást az ünnepekre, ezért biztosítsa, hogy megfelelően válassza ki a kezdőnapot.
Az órarend változhat az elérhetőség és az évszak függvényében.
Welcome to EC x FutureLearn, a pioneering programme designed to combine language learning with the opportunity to access a wide variety of fabulous courses developed and delivered by universities and professional bodies.
Are you interested in career development? Or thinking about a career change?
Do you want to develop an area of interest or a hobby? Do you have a book you have always wanted to write?
Thinking about learning to code?
Or, are you just interested in learning and exploring new topics?
With EC x FutureLearn students will have the opportunity to combine language learning with the best in online education. EC provides you with the support, community and accountability that ensures success.
Taking the first step into online education can be daunting, with our guidance and support, we will help to maximise learning and establish the skills and learning habits which will last a lifetime!
Alongside EC’s highly effective language learning programme, students will have access to a wide range of courses on FutureLearn’s online platform, which allow them to tailor their learning experience to match their independent interests and goals. Whether expanding business knowledge, exploring culture and creativity, or learning IT and engineering skills, FutureLearn’s high-quality courses, coupled with EC’s onsite support will help students achieve their aspirations.
The choice of courses is endless! See below for the most popular.
EC x FutureLearn is more than just an English course; it’s an opportunity to join a global community of learners, explore new perspectives, and unlock new skills. With EC English’s guidance and FutureLearn’s courses from leading universities, students start on a journey that will enable them to set ambitious goals and attain success! Graduate with digital certificates from EC and FutureLearn by meeting all course requirements.
Why choose EC x FutureLearn:
Courses which allow learners to unlock highly skilled new career paths, and empower themselves to change the world.
Diverse Course Offerings: FutureLearn partners with leading universities to provide courses across various disciplines, including science, technology, arts, business, and health, catering to different interests and career aspirations.
High-Quality Partnerships: The platform collaborates with top universities and organisations worldwide, ensuring learners can access quality education and insights from leading experts.
Social Learning Approach: FutureLearn emphasises interactive learning, encouraging students to engage in discussions and share insights with peers from around the globe, enriching the learning experience.
Flexible Learning Options: Courses are designed for flexibility, allowing learners to study at their own pace and schedule, which is ideal for professionals, students, and anyone looking to balance education with other commitments.
The certificate is available for qualified learners who have successfully completed a course. There are two types of completion requirements: Some courses ask to mark at least 90% of steps as complete, and some ask to mark at least 90% of steps as complete and have an overall course score of at least 70%.
Why do EC x FutureLearn
Combining language learning with this EC x FutureLearn programme, enables students to get the very best of both worlds – great language lessons and access to support and accountability that drives success.
EC x FutureLearn: How it works
EC provides the learning and support needed to be accountable for learning.
Induction: First day
induction that includes;
✔ Valuable guidance for online learning.
✔ Goal setting to create the accountability that ensures success.
✔ Support in choosing the right course.
FutureLearn Course:
✔ Do the online course via the FutureLearn app through the week independently on your chosen course at school or at home. Online study isn’t monitored. We recommend a minimum of 3 hours self-study per week.
✔ Students have access to FutureLearn for the length of their EC x FutureLearn course.
Follow up Fridays
✔ Group class dedicated to FutureLearn led by EC teacher.
✔ Tips and ideas to help make the most of the site.
✔ Reflection on learning.
✔ Discuss learning with others – a great way to help embed what has been learnt.
✔ Review any problems or issues.
✔ Review goals, and set new ones, a process that ensures students stay motivated to make the very best use of the resource.
Átlag | 11 diák |
Maximum | 15 diák |
Korcsoport | 16 éves és idősebb |
Átlag | 25 éves (19 a nyáron) |
Az EC London csupán néhány percre van divatos King’s Cross-tól és nagyon jól megközelíthető a központból a város minden területe. Elsőosztályú felszereltség, világos tantermek és egy fantasztikus étkező vár ebben a szép és modern nyelviskolában.
EC London - Euston
Működik: 2005 óta
Központ kapacitása: 182
Tantermek: 13
Minimum kor: 16
Diákok egy osztályban: átlag 11 (max 14)
Az iskola felszereltsége
17 számítógép internet eléréssel
Ingyenes wifi a központ egész területén
Közösségi pihenő a diákoknak
Interaktív tábla
Az EC English Language Schools: London iskolában a nemzetiségi és életkori összetétel időszakonként, tanfolyamonként és szintenként eltérő. Az átlagéletkor 25 év az egész évre vetítve. Nyáron az átlagéletkor 19 év.
EC London diákjai a világ minden tájáról érkeznek, így
EC London nem tart órákat a fenti ünnepnapokon. Az iskola nem nyújt kárpótlást az ünnepekre, ezért biztosítsa, hogy megfelelően válassza ki a kezdőnapot.
Az EC London csupán néhány percre van divatos King’s Cross-tól és nagyon jól megközelíthető a központból a város minden területe. Elsőosztályú felszereltség, világos tantermek és egy fantasztikus étkező vár ebben a szép és modern nyelviskolában.
The classes were great. I enjoyed the teachers. I also took advantage of the facilities which helped me to progress in my studies. However, there was only one issue - when I needed to change classes I could not change because they were full.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...The school is in the neighborhood of the British Museum. Students are older than thirty years, so I felt comfortable between them. Every student has a notebook at the adequate level of the class and team. Everybody is free to talk about their own feelings and thought,. We learned about fashion, habit, mode of different countries. We talked about arts, occupation, and family matters and discussed relationships in the hierarchy and to be a leader in life.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...My experience was very good, but it was very short. In the same time, I had a Congress, but I recommend the course and in the future I intend to return.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...I liked the EC teachers very much they are helpful and kind, the location is very good and the facilities are excellent. I did not book for accommodation so I do not have much information about that and to be honest I did not participate in activities so I can not tell about them. but generally the place was very good
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...The classes were very good. I think EC has created a very creative system of classes. You can choose how many hours per day you can study, and also in what topics you need to improve. The teachers are very different, some are pretty good and some are a little bit boring. In my opinion the teacher who are more spontaneous, open minded and pro-active are better. The location is just nice. Very close to tube station and in a nice zone. Facilities and think are great. The activities were not so great, you need to improve and have more creative activities so the students feel more interest to go. The housing was good. I was in residence near Bethnal Green station, and I think it is pretty good, with a lot of freedom, which is amazing, but the only big problem is the cleanliness. It is a little bit dirty. Sometimes because of the students, but some other times because it needs someone who can clean better and more regularly.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...My experience in London was wonderful! I was tested to develop my skill of language and this started in the airport. I wasn't informed of a need to show the copy of my letter of acceptance to the school and needed explain to immigration my situation. I'm a person of very much luck! My Londoner's mother was an Italian Mrs. that cooked very well and always talked with me about everything. But, I had to wash my clothing out, there wasn't bath towel available and the communication with my country was very difficult because there wasn't internet in the house. In school the immersion is full! English every time, everywhere! The teachers are very well trained but sometimes arid. And the partners were nice people I call with them until today!
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...I liked the school and the teachers were helpful and friendly. The school is fantastic. Probably I will go to school to EC but for longer. Housing was moderately satisfactory. The bathroom was cold water because something wasn't working. The food was average good. Hosts were helpful and nice.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...I always think about my learning experience in EC Brighton as a very pleasant and useful time to spend. The classes were always interesting and fun without boring routine. Teachers are the main treasure of this school, so professional and ready to help. The location was very nice after the lessons you can enjoy seaside, and it is close to the center of the city. Facilities and study processes were perfect. At the moment, activities could be more various and interesting. I stayed with a family and they were lovely people. The accommodations were very good. But, I am lucky, because my friends had awful experience and needed to move several times. And, I visited student residence and to my mind, they have to be more comfortable.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...The teachers are excellent, and the social activities too. I love this school, It was a fantastic experience...
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...ملاحظات السكن:
قمت بتغير السكن بعد مناقشات و مفاوضات مطولة لانني لم اكن راض عن مستوى السكن بالبداية (السكن مع العائلة)
اتمنى ان يتم اعطاء خيارات عدة للسكن يختار الطالب من خلالها قبل وصوله الى لندنز
ملاحظات تخص الدورات المكثفة.
الدورات ليست مكثفة بالقدر الكافيز كانت شكوى مني ومن العديد من الزملاء هناك ان الدورات المكثفة لم تكن مكثفة بالشكل الكافي.
Everything was very good, including the location and my peers.What I did not like at times was the disordered media. There was one teacher named Jack who I would not recommend.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...everything is pretty organized at school the teachers are very nice and patient there is a good atmosphere but concerning the residence i feel it very expensive and not comfortable, almost nothing for cooking and unfortunately i slept 1week without heating the managers of the residence are not very reactive and nobody was here to meet me at the residence the first day, but now it's ok, thank you for asking after my feedback your agency is very serious and i will really recommend you, if you need any other details do not hesitate.
see you
A gondosan megválogatott magánszállások lehetőséget nyújtanak, hogy kényelmes körülmények között többet megtudjanak a helyi kultúráról, amíg a Angol nyelvet tanulják !in London. Ezek az otthonok gyakran tömegközlekedéssel 20 - 60 minutes perc távolságra vannak az iskolától. A családok általában kedvező árú étkezést nyújtanak, hogy megismerhesse a helyi konyhát. Ha különleges kérése vagy diétás megkötései vannak (vallási vagy egészségügyi okokból), kérjük előre értesítsen bennünket. A szállás a nyelvtanfolyam kezdete előtti vasárnaptól a tanfolyam utolsó napja utáni szombatig áll rendelkezésre, hacsak másképp nem jelezzük. Több információ a magánszállásokról
Homestay, Up to 60 mins to school - Single room, Self catering
Homestay, Up to 60 mins to school - Single room, Bed & Breakfast
Homestay, Up to 60 mins to school - Twin room, half board
Homestay, Up to 60 mins to school - Single room, half board
Homestay, Up to 45 mins to school - Single room, Self catering
Homestay, Up to 45 mins to school - Single room, Bed & breakfast
Homestay U18, Up to 60 mins to school - Single room, half board
Homestay, Up to 45 mins to school - Twin room, half board
Homestay, Up to 45 mins to school - Single room, half board
Homestay U18, Up to 45 mins to school - Single room, half board
A diákszállók független diákok számára alkalmasabbak, akik tiszta, alapvető szállást keresnek kedvező áron. A diákoknak 18+ kell lenniük, hacsak másképp nem jelezzük. A szállás a nyelvtanfolyam kezdete előtti vasárnaptól a tanfolyam utolsó napja utáni szombatig áll rendelkezésre, hacsak másképp nem jelezzük. A diákszállókban gyakran nem vehető igénybe étkezés. Több információ a diákszállásokról
Superior iQ Will Wyatt - Single room, en-suite bathroom - self catering
Summer Residence - Single room, private bathroom, self catering (available 28 Jun - 23 Aug)
Superior iQ Shoreditch Studio residence - Single room, en-suite bathroom - self catering
Nem folyamodhatunk vízumért diákjaink részére, de az iskola el tudja látni Önt a vízumigényléshez szükséges összes irattal.
Ha 11 hónapnál hosszabb ideig tanul az Egyesült Királyságban, kap egy Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) nevű azonosítót, amit az általános diákvízum igényléssel együtt be kell nyújtania a brit nagykövetségre. Azok a diákok, akik lefoglaltak egy nyelvtanfolyamot és befizették a díjakat megkapják a CAS-t az iskolától. Kérjük vegye figyelembe, hogy a brit törvények szerint a CAS csak olyan diákok számára adható ki, akik 11 hónapnál hosszabb ideig szándékoznak angolt tanulni.
Ha 11 hónapig vagy annál rövidebb ideig tanul az Egyesült Királyságban, Student Visitor Visa elnevezésű különleges látogatói vízumért kell folyamodnia. Mint diák, nem dolgozhat részmunkaidőben tanulmányai alatt. Ha 11 hónapig vagy annál rövidebb ideig tanul az Egyesült Királyságban, külön költségek nélkül fogadó-nyilatkozatot kap otthoni címére általános levélként. Ha expresszlevélként kívánja megkapni az iratokat, a regisztrálás folyamán £ 75 kerül kiszámlázásra.
Az iskolához legközelebb található repülőtér a London Heathrow Airport_name (LHR)..
Az iskola repülőtéri transzfer szolgáltatást ajánl. Ha igényli, csak adja meg a járat részleteit és az érkezési napot. A repülőtéri transzfer díja egy útra a London Heathrow Airport repülőtérről £ 95. A repülőtéri transzfert regisztrációkor előre le kell foglalni.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to London based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Aggodalmak nélkül tanulhat külföldön a Language International betegség- és poggyászbiztosításával. Amikor lefoglalja a nyelvtanfolyamot, köthet nemzetközi biztosítást, amely nemcsak egészségügyi ellátásra, hanem a személyes tárgyak elvesztésére is vonatkozik. A biztosítást regisztrációkor előre kell megkötni.
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