Az ALPADIA nyelviskola Montreaux fő utcáján található, ami a Geneva tó partján megy végig, és amit egzotikus fák szegélyeznek. Az iskolába könnyen el lehet jutni busszal, vagy vonattal, a megállók csupán 5 perc sétára vannak. Az iskola környékén számos bár és étterem van, ahová el tudtok menni diáktársaiddal. Az iskolában 10 kényelmes és világos tanterem található, valamint egy kávézó és egy terasz. Az iskolai számítógépeknek és a wifi elérésnek köszönhetően az iskola egész területén használhatod ingyenesen az internetet és megnézheted az e-mailjeidet. Az iskola személyzetet és tanárai személyre szabott szolgáltatást nyújtanak minden diáknak, és a megérkezésed pillanatától, valamint egész ittléted alatt segítségedre lesznek bármiben.
Nyelviskolánk Montreaux központjában, a vonatállomás közelében található, néhány lépésre a Geneva tó menti csodás sétányoktól. Modern és barátságos központunk tágas és fényes tantermekkel, ingyenes internet eléréssel, és fitneszteremmel és étkezővel is fel van szerelve, ahol a diákok meg tudnak ebédelni a délutáni programok előtt. Jó felszereltsége és jó elhelyezkedése miatt iskolánk ideális hely a francia nyelv tanulásához Montreax-ban.
Village Camps has developed an innovative and ingeniously crafted language-learning programme designed to fully engage the campers. An exciting range of projects, tasks, quizzes, competitions and games will inspire the interest and ensure the involvement of every camper. They are having fun together in small groups and will soon be using the words and phrases that they have been learning each day. A New And Completely Different Way To Teach Languages We deliver the English language programme in a way that is entertaining, interactive, engaging and challenging. We cleverly combine laughter and learning! The campers learn from a new material that takes them outside their usual comfort zone but stimulates their interest providing them with new skills and knowledge that they can use during and after camp. Campers really enjoy learning to speak the target language together Groups of students help choose their preferred lively projects Emphasis is on gaining confidence and improving vocabulary so that they acquire fluency, engage in conversation and can aim at a presentation to an audience.
Providing ideal conditions for a language course for young learners, our ALPADIA "le Central-Résidence" course center is located a stone's throw away from Leysin's train station. It offers comfortable facilities that are perfectly suited to successful holidays in the Alps, including renovated classrooms, welcoming restaurants, a beautiful, sunny terrace, an indoor swimming pool and fitness room as well as relaxation and games areas. The bedrooms, decorated in a typically Alpine, wooded and warm style, can accommodate 4 students and are equipped with a private bathroom, television and telephone.
Alpine French School in the French Alps is a unique language school offering quality French classes combined with amazing activities! Combine learning French with Skiing/Snowboarding/Mountain Biking/Climbing/Other adventure activities. We also offer a wide range of other French Courses. See our website for more info, videos, photos, and pricing. Quality French classes: fun interactive French classes taught by native speakers in a relaxed environment. Established school: since 2003 our dynamic team has been offering quality French courses with a difference! Choice of accommodation: host families, apartments, residences and hotels available. Choice of activities: Skiing, snowboarding, mountain biking, climbing, watersports, and many more adventure activities. Immersion in the town: with our innovative partnership scheme with the local community. Social/cultural activity programme: to complete your experience!
The Swiss Touch School offers full-immersion French courses: the fast and fun way to learn a language! Students stay in their teacher's home: a spacious and traditional Swiss chalet. Set over three floors, the chalet offers students two bedrooms with two beds each, a classromm, a lounge area... all with panoramic views of the mountains! You really will feel in holiday! During your stay, you will have a French lesson after breakfast each morning, then a meal . In the afternoon, there will be some free time to explore this beautiful part of Switzerland, and visits with your teacher to learn about the habits (museums, medieval villages, salt mines...). As there are a maximum of 4 students at any time, each lesson will be personalised for you, focusing on exactly what you need. In addition, you will be able to put your French into practice as you share the daily life of the family, with mealtime conversations, television, and other activities all taking place in French. In a conventional language school, students speak their own language with friends when they are not in class. With The Swiss Touch School, you have the opportunity to speak and learn French before, during and after your lessons... a truly unique, full-immersion experience!
Ön akár diák, üzletember vagy utazó Lausanneban van az Ön számára megfelelő nyelvtanfolyam. Minden szint és korosztály számára elérhetőek a nyelvtanfolyamok, bármilyen időtartamban. Csak válasszon egy nyelvtanfolyamtípust a lenti listából és fogjon hozzá.