Nagoya JaLS is located in Nagoya, the old capital of Japan, and specializes in short term Japanese language study. We are part of the JaLS GROUP which has won numerous awards since its establishment in 2012, combining professional Japanese tuition and our belief that each student should have the most valuable experience possible whilst studying in Japan. We use intensive and practical language study alongside a variety of activities and cultural experiences to welcome and support all our students in a warm and family-like atmosphere. It is our desire that all students feel at-home in Japan, are able to return to study in the future, and have a wonderful and deep experience of Japanese culture.
Discover the vibrant city of Yokohama while mastering the Japanese language at our conveniently located school. Immerse yourself in a dynamic learning environment where you'll not only acquire language skills but also gain a deep appreciation for Japanese culture. Our comprehensive courses cater to students of all levels, from beginners to advanced learners. Benefit from small class sizes and expert instruction as you progress toward fluency. Experience the best of Yokohama: explore the bustling harbor, savor delicious ramen, and immerse yourself in the city's rich history. Our school is your perfect base for exploring this exciting metropolis. Join our diverse community of students and make lifelong friends while achieving your language goals.
Our teachers are well-trained and give thorough classes in a friendly and social environment. We have daily tests based on the previous day's material that help students understand their ability and weak points as well as to review what they have learned. This helps the teachers understand what each student needs in class. We use our own exclusive text as well as JLPT materials for classes to deliver interesting, useful and varied lessons. Students who wish to take longer courses must provide documentation for us to apply for a student visa on your behalf. Facilities ● 3 Buildings (less than a one minute walk from the main building) ● 28 Classrooms ● 3 Academic Offices ● 1 Secretariat's Office ● 6 Vending Machines for hot and cold drinks ● 1 Computer Area with Internet Access ● 1 Self-Study Room ● 2 Counselling Rooms ● Toilets on every floor ● Fully Air-Conditioned & Heated Classrooms We provide detailed guidance for students to get quickly acquainted with life in Japan. At our Opening Ceremony, native speakers in various languages give an introduction to the school and life in Japan to answer student's questions. Teachers are able to give advice in Japanese to students and our multi-lingual office staff is able to speak natively to students about their queries or concerns. Every season of the year has events we like students to participate in. Events range from cultural events to visiting theme parks, museums, school parties and barbecues. During students stay at Shinwa they can learn Japanese and also participate in many activities organised by the school. There are also many cultural events to participate in including, kimono wearing, visiting temples, the Imperial Palace, museums, etc. Other events include festivals, visiting and learning about Japanese media industries, visiting theme parks, etc. There are a range of other activities and field trips the school has or can recommend, depending on the season.
A Genki Japán nyelv és kultúra iskolája (GenkiJACS) egy nemzetközileg elismert kommunikációs központú japán nyelviskola, amely rövid és hosszútávú japán nyelv és kultúrát tanító kurzusokat kínál egy barátságos és békés környezetben. Iskolánk Tokióban, Japán fővárosában, Shinjuku szívében található. A GenkiJACS iskoláját többször jelölték a világ legjobb japán iskolájának 2009 és 2018 között, és el is nyerte ezt a címet 2016-ban és 2018-ban is. Azon két japán nyelviskola egyike vagyunk, akit az IALC (Nyelviskolák Nemzetközi Szövetsége) akkreditált, és az egyetlen olyan iskola, amely kifejezetten a nyugati diákok igényeire fókuszál. Sokféle kurzust kínálunk, többek között társalkodási japán, pop kultúra, japán kultúra vagy vizsgafelkészítő kurzusokat is, és minden kurzusunk gyakorlati fókuszú, legyen akár szó a tantermi, vagy akár a tantermen kívüli programokról. Külföldi diákjainknak sok különböző szálláslehetőséget kínálunk, a családoknál való elhelyezéstől a kollégiumi szobáig és ittlétük alatt számos programot szervezünk. Azért vagyunk, hogy élvezetessé és hasznossá tegyük a japán tanulást, és ezért térnek vissza diákjaink is a GenkiJACS-ba évről évre! Minden GenkiJACS-ban tanító tanár elvégzett egy 420 órás japán nyelvtanári kurzust egy erre kijelölt intézményben. Csak a legjobbakkal dolgozunk, és tanárainknak folyamatos továbbképzést biztosítunk. Ebben a diákok is megegyeznek: máshol nem találni jobb tanárokat! 9 tantermünk van, és egy tágas közösségi pihenő tér a diákok számra. Tantermeinket úgy alakítottuk ki, hogy egy nyugodt és kényelmes környezetet biztosítva minél jobban elősegítsék a tanulás. Diákjaink számára rendelkezésre állnak: számítógépek, tanulószoba, játékkonzol, DVD/TV, manga-/könyvtár és ingyen tea/kávé. Ünnepnapokon a GenkiJACS vagy valami alternatív programot szervez a diákok számára azokon a napokon, amikor zárva tart, vagy arra a napra visszatéríti a tandíjat.
Adachi Education Group 「System Toyo Gaigo」is a popular Japanese language institute among international students from various countries. There are special classes where you can experience your favorite fields thanks to the unique curriculum. In 「Japanese & Professional Practice Course」, students get to learn practical Japanese used in several topics like animation, manga, games, design, fashion, business, hotel, tourism,… All lectures of special classes are given directly by vocational schools’ professional teachers. There are many events held during one year, such as barbecue party, Halloween party, Christmas, school festival… which create opportunities to interact with Japanese people. Our school also organizes a short-timed summer program every year (from 1 to 2 weeks). Aside from Japanese language lessons, activities like cultural experience, anime/game special lesson, festival/ firework, Tokyo suburbs short trip are very popular. The long-time course starts from April, July, and October. Short-timed course’s study length varies from 1 to 3 months. The teacher in charge of English will support you in all aspects even before enrolling, so let’s enjoy the school life here together.
Sendagaya Japanese Institute, established in 1975, has over 40 years of history and tradition. More than 20,000 students from all over the world have studied Japanese at our courses. Our long-term course, university preparatory course, is accredited by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan, and now more than 1,200 students are studying at this long-term course. Our student office staff is also very international. We have staff who can speak English, Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, Arabic, Russian, Korean and Indonesian, and we support our students in Japan with sincere care. We also have our Japanese Teacher Training Course, which is for Japanese native speakers who want to become Japanese teachers. As we are professionals of educating Japanese teachers, we have confidence in our teaching quality.
Shinjuku Gyoen Japanese Language School is located in Shinjuku, the most downtown area in Tokyo. We have accepted students from over the world. We have decades of experience, teaching foreign students since 1988. Every year hundreds of students come to study with us. We have approximately 8 classes from beginner to advanced, so you can find the most suitable class for you. Direct method is used in all classes. We offer them various courses with activities, full support with obtaining a visa, relocation, part-time job finding support, and any other kind of support that they may need. The course is available from 4 weeks to 2 years. We also offer the accommodation and airport transfer arrangement. Our classes provide all aspects of Japanese teaching, including Speaking, Reading, Listening, and Writing. For intermediate or higher-level students, we also offer JLPT preparatory, EJU preparatory, besides the regular curriculum. The personal care and academic / career support is maintained highly and continuously. All of our teachers in Japan are native, have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognized teaching certificate. We also offer private lessons. Learn from qualified teachers, who can also communicate with you in English and Chinese. English, Vietnamese and Chinese speaking staff available. Our mission: to teach Japanese and Japanese culture to people from around the world and to empower them in their university, career, and personal pursuits.
1. SCHOOL INTRODUCTION Nihongo Online School is a online-based Japanese language school offering online 1:1 Japanese lessons to beginner and pre-intermediate level via Skype. Learn from qualified teachers, who can also communicate with you in English, Study with tailored lesson plan to improve your Japanese language level at your own pace at home. 2. SCHOOL FEATURES 【PRIVATE & FLEXIBLE JAPANESE LESSONS】 All lessons are private 1:1 lessons with a qualified Japanese teacher over Skype. Nihongo Online works with each student's schedule to provide lessons at times that work best for you. 【TAILORED NIHONGO COURSE】 Even if you are beginner, that’s not a problem! Nihongo Online has crafted a course and provide students a roadmap so you can succeed at learning Japanese step by step. Once all classes have been completed for this period, students can go to the upper level. 【QUALIFIED TEACHER】 All of our teachers qualified professionals with experience in teaching Japanese in language schools. They also speak English as well, so depending on your Japanese level you can also get support in English.
Az ISI nyelviskola az egyik legnagyobb nyelviskola Japánban. 90 különböző országból jártak már nálunk diákok. Körülbelül 30 csoportunk van, kezdőtől a haladó szintig, így biztosan te is megtalálod a neked való szintet. A direkt módszert alkalmazzuk minden óránkon. Sok különböző kurzust kínálunk, valamint vízum ügyintézésben és részmunkaidős álláskeresésben is segítünk. Vannak két hetes és akár két évig tartó kurzusaink is. Szállást és reptéri transzfert is biztosítunk. A nyelv mind a négy aspektusát tanítjuk: olvasás, hallás utáni értés, írás és beszéd, amik mind diákjaink előre jutását segítik a munka világában. Az általános órák mellett lehetőség van közép vagy felsőfokú JLPT felkészítő kurzusok, EJU felkészítő kurzusok és társalgási kurzusok elvégzésére is. Folyamatosan nagy hangsúlyt fektetünk az egyéni fejlesztésre és a továbbtanulás támogatására. Csapatunk tagjai között vannak angol, spanyol, koreai és kínai anyanyelvűek is.
Discover Japanese Language in the Heart of Shibuya! Nestled in the bustling Shibuya district, we offer an immersive and effective way to learn Japanese. Whether you're here for a short visit or a longer stay, our tailored courses cater to all needs. Our small classes (max.8 people) are perfect to progress fast. Experience Authentic Japanese Culture Beyond the classroom, immerse yourself in Japanese culture. From exploring the vibrant streets of Shibuya to participating in cultural activities, you'll gain a deep understanding of Japanese life. Conveniently Located Our school is just steps away from Shibuya Station, offering easy access to Tokyo's vibrant shopping, dining, and entertainment scene. Flexible scheduling options We offer a variety of scheduling options to meet the needs of our students, including full-time, part-time, and evening classes. Join Our Global Community Connect with students from around the world and make lifelong friends. Our focus on practical communication ensures you'll be confident using Japanese in everyday situations. Note: Our Shibuya campus is ideal for beginners and total beginners. For more advanced learners, please visit our Iidabashi campus.
"Live and Let Live" is the philosophy of the LALL Group. This signifies our goal of facilitating a society in which all generations, from the young to seniors, can live in mutual harmony. The school is operated by the LALL Group, a corporate group consisting of 18 companies and a medical corporation, the school will be committed to supporting international students’ studies, life in Japan, academic careers, and work opportunities. The curriculum of our school is made every three months, but the progress of classes is adjusted according to the situation of students enrolled accordingly. Levels are divided into 8 levels: introductory I, introductory II, Elementary Intermediate, Intermediate I, Intermediate II, Advanced Intermediate, Advanced I, and Advanced II. The level at the time of admission will be decided by classification test. *Classes of Kanji in introductory I・II, Elementary Intermediate Level are divided into "Kanji Area Class" and "Non-Kanji Area Class", and they are done with different texts and teaching methods.
Learn Japanese & live in your private teacher's home around Tokyo with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including Japanese lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in Japan. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one Japanese lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Tokyo. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in Japanese. All of our teachers in Japan have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Tokyo, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
The host are located in Tokyo and surrounding areas.
JSL Nippon Academy is a Japanese language school located in two distinct areas of Japan: Okinawa and Tokyo. Hundreds of students from around the world have come to study with us every year since its opening in 1986. We offer short-term and long-term learning courses to meet diverse needs of all students, in which you can learn from traditional Japanese culture, pop culture such as Manga and Anime, to 4 language skills (read, write, listen, speak). All teachers are qualified and well-trained, providing high quality education. You will take placement test before class starts, and be placed in best class suited your Japanese level. JSL assures you to have an extraordinary experience in Japan, and that is why we have been chosen for long years. We also offer many supports for students following. -Visa support -Accommodation arrangement -Part-time job finding support -Support for higher education -Daily life support -English, Spanish, Chinese speaking staff
Az Ikebukuro állomástól mindössze 5 perc sétára található ISI Nyelvi Főiskola Tokió egyik legnagyobb kereskedelmi központjában található. A diákok nem csak a bevásárlás előnyeit élvezhetik, hanem a közelben levő éttermek és kávézók nyújtotta kényelmet is. Míg Ikebukuro tele van klassz helyekkel, az iskola Japán egyik legjobban felszerelt iskolája. Tágas és modern tantermek várják a diákokat a világ minden részéről, ahol igazán nagy élmény a japán nyelv tanulása.
Ön akár diák, üzletember vagy utazó Fujisawában van az Ön számára megfelelő nyelvtanfolyam. Minden szint és korosztály számára elérhetőek a nyelvtanfolyamok, bármilyen időtartamban. Csak válasszon egy nyelvtanfolyamtípust a lenti listából és fogjon hozzá.