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Az ELS/Houston a houstoni St. Thomas egyetem (UST) kampusz közelében helyezkedik el, és teljes mértékben jogosult az egyetemi kampusz és létesítményeinek használatára. Houston Amerika negyedik legnagyobb városa, nemzetközi diákok közkedvelt úticlja, és a világ energia iparának központja. Hétvégi kirándulásként lehetőség nyílik a houstoni NASA Űrállomás, a Mexikói öböl és sok egyéb látványosság megtekintésére.
Az ELS Language Centers Houston: Houston (TX) iskolában a nemzetiségi és életkori összetétel időszakonként, tanfolyamonként és szintenként eltérő. Az átlagéletkor 23 év az egész évre vetítve. Nyáron az átlagéletkor 21 év.
ELS diákjai a világ minden tájáról érkeznek, így
ELS nem tart órákat a fenti ünnepnapokon. Az iskola nem nyújt kárpótlást az ünnepekre, ezért biztosítsa, hogy megfelelően válassza ki a kezdőnapot.
A környék bemutatása
Az ELS/Houston Houston elegáns River Oaks/Upper Kirby/Greenway Plaza Professional negyedeiben helyezkedik el, ami egy rövid 10-15 perces buszút a St. Thomas Egyetem kampuszáig. Houston Amerika negyedik legnagyobb városa, az egyetemisták közkedvelt úticélja és a világ energia iparának központja. Hétvégi kirándulásként meglátogathatja a National Space Administration (NASA) houstoni Űrközpontját, a Mexikói öböl strandjait és még sok más érdekes helyet.
A környék látnivalói
A NASA Űrközpontja Houstonban
A Mexikói öböl strandjai
Hétvégi kirándulások San Antonioba, New Orleansba vagy Mexikóba.
A Houstoni tömegközlekedés részét képezik a városba vezető busz és vonatjáratok, amelyek tökéletesen kiszolgálják a diákok szükségleteit. Egy vonaljegy 1.25 dollár ( 50% kedvezmény UST diákigazolvánnyal). Néhány járat esténként és hétvégenként ritkábban jár. Sok diákunk az autóbérlést választja, vagy többen osztoznak egy taxin. Nemzetközi diákok igényelhetnek texasi jogosítványt az arra kijelölt állami irodában, miután sikerrel letettek egy írásbeli és egy forgalmi vizsgát. Erről további információt a Nemzetközi Diák Tanácsadótól kaphat.
The teachers were very nice, however the first week we had a substitute teacher and the classes were kind of slow due to that. Also the first week we practically did not do as much as I would have liked because they were kind of waiting for the teacher and also due to onboarding and just presenting ourselves. Also, the last class hour was simply on a computer, which we could have done at home and we had not been told this when paying (I could have payed less and done the same).
I did learn quite a few and it was a good experience overall, but I do think things should be more informative and they should take into account we are paying a lot of money weekly so there shouldn’t be slow weeks due to substitute teachers and so… moreover I would have liked to know that within this pack we wouldn’t do intensive writing or speaking as it turns out that was included within the other longer package.
Everything was great, the only thing I didn’t enjoy was the material on the economy subject and how the class was given.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...I really enjoyed everything. The teachers were the best that I´ve had. Location and facilities are good, however I would like you to have a coffee shop or some place where students can find something to eat and drink.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...els was perfect for me because I studied with so much international student during my course. it was great opportunity for speaking. els teachers was so nice to me during my journey at els. they have so much activities for socialising after school.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...The teachers were all really nice and everybody tried really hard to male us feel comfortable being away from home. I made a lot of new friends. The school planed a lot of activities where we could go which was really nice. The location was perfect, it was not to far away from my home and not right downtown where the traffic gets really bad.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...It was pretty good. Activities were kind of fun. I like the way you guys made it like school.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...The school's program of activities is good, as few good teachers do not show the results of the final tests, make the decision whether the student should advance or not, even having good grades during the current level, as to the conditions of the school. school are good.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...I liked the classes there was a lot of interaction between the teachers and the students. The classrooms and the bathroom were always clean. Maybe it would have been better of the classes were inside the campus of the University of St. Thomas.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...Over all, it was a good experience and a good chance to improve my competences in englisch at this school. My estimation is different. There are teachers they have quite a large engagement and others are for example not really good prepared ore are in the class not really good in teaching.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...It was far beyond my expectation. Very good. The organization, the infrastructure, the teachers, everything was good.
The discipline asked was a real immersion in the American culture and attitudes.
It was my first experience of studying at ELS. The location was excellent, with parking and near the downtown. I really liked the teachers, especially Mr. Jason (VOC) and Mr. Jim (SSP). I didn`t like the LTC. Unfortunately, I only had three weeks to stay at the ELS because I needed to return to my country. I hope to return in the near future. Thanks.
Vera Lucia Vigier
The school has very nice teachers good place for learning funny lesson with (Samir and Tim) but also bad teachers (Atalla) was very disappointing not sympathetic for a teacher boring lessons.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...The classes were good nothing boring, we learn new things in the activities and games we play in class and they were interesting. The teaches were nice and polite always there to help and it is in a good location near places we can go after class
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...Sometimes,I was confused when I talked with other students and teachers.But It was very fun. I want to study English in ELS again. If I could go to study the school once,I will be able to speak English better. I liked all of classes. If you consist, I liked speaking class the best. This class is very profitable for me to speak and pronounce English.
Thank you for teaching me English!!!
The classes were very nice. The teaching methods were almost perfect. In Lauren's class (TOEFL class) I really learned how to mãe the test and I did well because of her. The only problem was in Tim's class, because his teaching methods were not that good. Instead of explaining the students doubts, he just kept telling the same things. Also he took the students to a field trip to do a survey in a parking lot and that activity did not improved my English at all, it was just some useless activity to fill up some free time from the class. It was terrible, but it was not ELS's fault.
About the facilities I think it was just perfect. Everything was clean, everything worked perfectly, the administration had this care with the students (answering doubts, solving problems, etc). It was awesome.
The activities were impressive, because I never studied in a school where there were so many activities (going to a baseball game, tips about parks, museum tips) and the small events at the first and last day. Very different from other classes I have had and much better.
I was not in the housing program, because of that I do not have an opinion about it.
The experienced was really an enriching one, from a social point of view. Even if you're a little bit shy as I am, you will find you will be making friends with people from different countries. As regards the teacher and the classes they were really good, all teachers were kind, respectful, and cool to hang out with. The only drawback is that I think I could have been on higher level, however the things they thought us were things I've already studied. Other than that it was a great experience.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...I enjoyed my stay in the ELS Center in Houston. I liked all the classes, particularly Anoosh SSP class. Over all, the teachers were exceptionally nice.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...I liked it a lot. It was way more intense than I first thought, but it was only for the better.
I had a very good month at ELS. It was a good learning environment.
I liked almost all of my teachers. They were prepared for giving interesting classes. I had a good experience knowing other people and other cultures, and also going on incredible trips. The only thing that I would change is the SSP class because I think they need to make you talk more and focus on your pronunciation. Aside from this though, everything was perfect.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...It was my first experience in learning English abroad. The teachers were helpful and professional. The classes were well organized. The only negative was that not all books were provided. Unfortunately, during my three weeks, there were not much events and activities at school.
There were students from different countries: Brazil, Venezuela, Japan, Turkey, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Bolivia, Indonesia. We spent time together and learnt more about each other’s countries.
The program was intensive and helped to improve language skills.
I was living at a homestay. Two more students were living with me in that house. At the dinner table, we had a chance to talk in English a lot. Also, there was a Halloween party organized by the homestay. A lot of students from other schools came to that party. It was a wonderful experience to talk to people and get to know them.
The house was a bit far away from school. It took me 1 hour and 15 minutes to get to school. I rode the buses. During my first day at my homestay, the family dropped me off at school then showed me how to use the buses. Also, at the homestay, I was allowed to do laundry.
In general, my trip was exciting and memorable.
What I liked was that the school was very close to the student residence. It was easy to take the bus, and there were nearby shopping centers.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...I liked the classes and the facilities. I made a number of friends from different countries. I didn't like the location though.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...I really liked my classmates! The teachers were great and the program was perfect. My roommates were so kind.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...I liked the classrooms and some of the teachers. Some of them were funny and could teach very well.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...I liked it a lot! All teachers are very professional, positive and friendly. Atmosphere was very warm. The school is located in a nice, convenient location. I have no negative experiences.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...Hi all, I had a really small class and each of us could learn very well. The teachers were nice and gave us the chance to find some subjects to talk about. So in the end you had it like an individual lesson. The location of the ELS in Houston is really nice. Next to the school, there is a CVS and a private university names "University of St. Thomas". There you can have your lunch in the cafeteria with little money. The area also has good connections with the bus and it´s just 3 minutes with it to the museum district. The school offers you some activities for your free time and the students are very nice. In the end I can say it was a good decision to choose the ELS and I would do it again.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...A gondosan megválogatott magánszállások lehetőséget nyújtanak, hogy kényelmes körülmények között többet megtudjanak a helyi kultúráról, amíg a Angol nyelvet tanulják Houstonban. Ezek az otthonok gyakran tömegközlekedéssel 20 minutes perc távolságra vannak az iskolától. A családok általában kedvező árú étkezést nyújtanak, hogy megismerhesse a helyi konyhát. Ha különleges kérése vagy diétás megkötései vannak (vallási vagy egészségügyi okokból), kérjük előre értesítsen bennünket. A szállás a nyelvtanfolyam kezdete előtti vasárnaptól a tanfolyam utolsó napja utáni szombatig áll rendelkezésre, hacsak másképp nem jelezzük. Több információ a magánszállásokról
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and dinner
A diákszállók független diákok számára alkalmasabbak, akik tiszta, alapvető szállást keresnek kedvező áron. A diákoknak 18+ kell lenniük, hacsak másképp nem jelezzük. A szállás a nyelvtanfolyam kezdete előtti vasárnaptól a tanfolyam utolsó napja utáni szombatig áll rendelkezésre, hacsak másképp nem jelezzük. A diákszállókban gyakran nem vehető igénybe étkezés. Több információ a diákszállásokról
Houston Apartments - Student residence (off-campus) - Double Deluxe - No meals
Nem folyamodhatunk vízumért diákjaink részére, de az iskola el tudja látni Önt a vízumigényléshez szükséges összes irattal.
Ha teljes időben több mint heti 18 órát tanul az USA-ban, I-20 nyomtatványt kap, amit az F-1-es diákvízum-igényléssel együtt kell benyújtani az USA nagykövetségére. Az I-20-on található egy SEVIS azonosító. Azok a diákoknak, akik diákvízumot akarnak igényelni, online be kell fizetniük a SEVIS díjat, mielőtt elmennek az USA nagykövetségére vagy konzulátusára a vízuminterjúra.
Az I-20-at külön költségek nélkül küldjük otthoni címére általános levélként.
Kérjük vegye figyelembe, hogy az USA törvényei szerint I-20-at csak olyan diákok kaphatnak, akik teljes időben tanulnak angolul. Az USA törvényei nem engedik meg a diákoknak, hogy F-1 diákvízummal tanuló diákok részidőben dolgozzanak. Ha heti 18 óránál kevesebbet tanul, Önnek kell látogató vízumért (B1/B2) folyamodnia.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Houston based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Aggodalmak nélkül tanulhat külföldön a Language International betegség- és poggyászbiztosításával. Amikor lefoglalja a nyelvtanfolyamot, köthet nemzetközi biztosítást, amely nemcsak egészségügyi ellátásra, hanem a személyes tárgyak elvesztésére is vonatkozik. A biztosítást regisztrációkor előre kell megkötni.
A környék bemutatása
Az ELS/Houston Houston elegáns River Oaks/Upper Kirby/Greenway Plaza Professional negyedeiben helyezkedik el, ami egy rövid 10-15 perces buszút a St. Thomas Egyetem kampuszáig. Houston Amerika negyedik legnagyobb városa, az egyetemisták közkedvelt úticélja és a világ energia iparának központja. Hétvégi kirándulásként meglátogathatja a National Space Administration (NASA) houstoni Űrközpontját, a Mexikói öböl strandjait és még sok más érdekes helyet.
A környék látnivalói
A NASA Űrközpontja Houstonban
A Mexikói öböl strandjai
Hétvégi kirándulások San Antonioba, New Orleansba vagy Mexikóba.
A Houstoni tömegközlekedés részét képezik a városba vezető busz és vonatjáratok, amelyek tökéletesen kiszolgálják a diákok szükségleteit. Egy vonaljegy 1.25 dollár ( 50% kedvezmény UST diákigazolvánnyal). Néhány járat esténként és hétvégenként ritkábban jár. Sok diákunk az autóbérlést választja, vagy többen osztoznak egy taxin. Nemzetközi diákok igényelhetnek texasi jogosítványt az arra kijelölt állami irodában, miután sikerrel letettek egy írásbeli és egy forgalmi vizsgát. Erről további információt a Nemzetközi Diák Tanácsadótól kaphat.
Kérdései vannak? Kapjon válaszokat a(z) ELS Language Centers Houston: Houston (TX) személyzetétől és korábbi diákok.
Tegyen fel kérdéstNo. We cannot make an exception simply because of the huge demand for those courses.
If ELS has accepted him and if he only takes privtae lessons for one week, the only other thing we require is a letter from his Company.
Yes we do. We require all documents just like an initial enrolment.
Technically, yes ,the student would need the I-20 for the Semi-Intensive program if she is entering the US with the primary purpose of studying this program.
That is because this program meets the US Government minimum required hours to qualify as an “Academic Program.”
No. Our minimum age is 16.
All of our ELS Centers are official TOELF Testing locations.
However, the only TOELF program with the fee for the test included is the full 3-session TOEFL program. The student would need to pay and sign-up independently for the TOEFL exam if he is only taking the 2-session program. He would need to do this through the ETS website and ELS does not invoice this.
No we do not.
We cannot guarantee this. But we will try, subject to availability.
Yes. One-to-one lessons are available at all centers.