Hispania, escuela de español manapság már nemzetközi ajánlásokat kap spanyol tanításának köszönhetően. Iskolánk nyerte meg a tanulmányi utak iparágának legrangosabb díját mint ST Star díjazott spanyol iskola 2017-ben, 2016-ban és 2015-ben, ami lehetőséget ad arra, hogy mindenki bemutassa magas teljesítményét, jutalmazza az elért eredményeket, valamint emeli az egész iparág teljesítményét. Ezen túlmenően iskolánkat a legfontosabb szakmai intézmények akkreditálják, mint az EAQUALS Excellence in Language Teaching, valamint a Cervantes intézet.
Tavaly több mint 2500 diáktanult nálunk 82 különböző országból. Legyen részed egy emlékezetes élményben ebben a szép kozmopolita környezetben, ahol több mint 700 diákkal oszthatod meg az óráidat és a legjobb pillanatokat.
Hispania has partnerships with the following universities and colleges in Spanyolország. You can gain full or conditional acceptance into one of these institutions.
Az Hispania Escuela de Español iskolában a nemzetiségi és életkori összetétel időszakonként, tanfolyamonként és szintenként eltérő. Az átlagéletkor 25 év az egész évre vetítve. Nyáron az átlagéletkor 20 év.
A Hispania, escuela de español épülete a Valenciai Egyetem városközponti kampuszán található.
Iskolánk, egy gyönyörű spanyol villa a város Egyetemének területén, mindössze 5 perces buszútra fekszik az óvárostól, Valencia fő bevásárlóutcájától.
A Hispániát az Avenida Blasco Ibáñez, a Valenciai Egyetem rektorátusa és a Viveros park mellett találod. Egy nagyszerű helyen, hogy élvezd az egyetemi hangulatot! A városközpont az összes bevásárlóutcájával, egy rövid sétával elérhető, ahol élvezheted a különböző teraszokat és történelmi műemlékeket, vagy elmehetsz bevásárolni. Ellátogathatsz a lovaglóiskolába is, ahol a diákok szeretnek teniszezni, lovagolni, vagy merülni egyet a medencében. Felfedezheted a 8 km hosszú Turia parkot, amely a Bioparc Állatkertnél kezdődik, és a futurisztikus Művészetek és Tudományok Városáig tart.
Hispania, Escuela de Español
Calle De Bernat y Baldoví num 11
Hispania school has a lot of students which causes rush-hours before beginning of the classes. We often had to change the class room. Some of them were small and less equipped. The teachers are very good, specifically I liked Estefan and his humor and encouragement. As I had to change my stay, I couldn’t have a family-housing moor. I lived in a hotel and didn’t have the chance of practice. I didn’t take part in activities of Hispania, because I had a lot to do by getting to know Valencia.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...The overall experience was good. However, if I didn't have my phone/ a Spanish translating app, I probably would have cancelled going to the lessons. The classes were fairly advanced, even as a beginners class. Many of the other students had a fairly good understanding of Spanish, this made the class participation good. At times I would just sit and listen to their communication too. However it was easy to get lost in what tasks we were performing, as I would quickly have to translate it and therefore miss other details. In general I enjoyed it but yes, without my phone I would have been hopeless and lost.
When booking I saw it state "our teachers speak the following" and I believe English was listed. I assumed that English might be used on occasions, but the class was totally mixed/ international and entirely spoken Spanish.
Not sure if it was noted down, but I missed my last lesson. No other reason other than I had the opportunity to go to Granada and I left Valencia when my last lesson was taking place. Just wanted to let you know it was no other reason than that.
The teacher was very good and nice. Location was good, just a short distance from here I was staying. I experienced no activities at all or the housing, so I couldn't comment. The rooms were very small but neat, clean and tidy. They would only put the air-con on by request and for some reason all teachers had to share the same remote for the air-con. It wasn't uncommon to have teachers knocking on the door, entering and asking if we had the remote. Must be annoying for the staff there too.
The classes are very dynamic, the teachers are very dedicated, comfortable facilities, cool weather!
In addition to several extra activities that students can do both there in school and outside.
I am already looking forward to coming back next year and continuing my studies in Hispania!
This was my first experience in a language school abroad.
I learned a lot in little time.
Very good.
I'll do it again, another time.
Hispania is a really good school!
If someone ask me , where do I should study Spanish at first I would say Valencia but after Hispania :)
The teacher`s are such nice person and also the classes are really nice but there are some points of attention:
1. It`s not nice to have students in the same level as you that are not able to follow the teachers or the others students, this should be revised.
2. Also is not good change classes every two weeks because when you start to feel your teacher and colleagues, you have to change.
3. All the staff from scholl is always ready to help you and answer for any kind of doubt that you may have.
4.Pillar, the lady that is responsible for the school house is simply the BEST!
We enjoyed that we were in little group, with students from several nationalities. The relationships were better than in a big group. The level was adapted to each other. It was possible to schedule the courses with freestyle.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...The school is very near to Benimaclet metro station and many student flats are in this barrio, so it should be no hassle for you to get there.
I have never met so many teacher that say that they are 18 years old haha - the teachers are very funny and friendly and if you stay a bit longer in one class it should be easy for you to spend even some time outside of your classes together.
The school offers different activities from excursions over museum and city tours to different presentations of music and culture.
They have also great connections to different Erasmus-organisations, so it is easy for you to meet also different people outside of the school.
The classes were fun. Not too much people and the teacher (Irene) was the best. They only speak Spanish and still we understand. I send here a note afterwards. The location was perfect. The apartment was very close and I love the music they play during breaks.
Two tips - things that can be improved on would be:
- the apartment was very, very different from the pictures I got from Language International (and thus Hispania). I was in one of the old buildings. I had to wait a week before they had another apartment available -which was more like the pictures! So I would recommend to only send 'the pictures' with the note with the booking 'newer building please' because the student had already seen the picture.
- most of the activities were great. Some a bit boring. It was too long. An activity shouldn't take more than 1 or 2 hours I think.
The classroom facilities were also great and everybody would help you at the reception when there is a problem.
All in all it was a perfect time for me! I met a lot of nice people and could learn a lot of Spanish! The teachers had been very friendly and motivating and it was easy to change classes and get an accommodation! Some accommodations are new and really nice but mine was not really clean and proper. Yeah, but I think it can be worse. There were a lot of possibilities to do activities in your free time! I love Valencia and Hispania was perfect!
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...
Thanks for your nice words, Tamara.
We work hard for the excellency in all our services. So we would try to be even better for your next time with us. : )
Best regards from Valencia !
My language course at Hispania was a big success. Not only does the school offered excellent facilities, the teachers were professional, very proactive and enthusiastic. Also, a student was placed within a group of students that matches his or her level of Spanish. In total, there were almost 20+ classes that guide students in their quest to learn Spanish.
Also, the after school activities were fun and was a great way to get to know the city or other students. There was a wide variety of activities to choose from (one activity per day) and the activities itself were well organized.
I can also recommend staying with a host family, because it makes the immersion in the Spanish lifestyle complete. The family I stayed with was amazing and I couldn't have planned for a better way to feel at home in Valencia.
If I could give one little element of improvement, it would be the class study material. Every once and a while you get a print out to support a specific topic or grammar exercise, but I think it would be an improvement if students were offered a binder to keep all the information in. Maybe a text book could also be included, not necessarily to use in class but to study more at home.
But apart from that, I would recommend anyone who wants to learn/improve Spanish to go to this school!
Dear Filip,
Thank you very much for your nice words.
We are very happy to see that you enjoyed a lot your stay with us.
We hope to see you soon again.
Best regards from Valencia !
I liked all of it. Teacher was very good, she was always friendly, attentive to each person. Location for me was perfect. I really like this place. I knew a lot there, and of course I want to come back. I hope I will soon.
Mutasd a részleteket » Részletek...A gondosan megválogatott magánszállások lehetőséget nyújtanak, hogy kényelmes körülmények között többet megtudjanak a helyi kultúráról, amíg a Spanyol nyelvet tanulják Valenciaban. Ezek az otthonok gyakran tömegközlekedéssel 5 - 15 minutes perc távolságra vannak az iskolától. A családok általában kedvező árú étkezést nyújtanak, hogy megismerhesse a helyi konyhát. Ha különleges kérése vagy diétás megkötései vannak (vallási vagy egészségügyi okokból), kérjük előre értesítsen bennünket. A szállás a nyelvtanfolyam kezdete előtti vasárnaptól a tanfolyam utolsó napja utáni szombatig áll rendelkezésre, hacsak másképp nem jelezzük. Több információ a magánszállásokról
Host family: Double Room (Half board)
Host family: Single Room (Half board)
Host family: Double Room (Full board)
Host family: Single Room (Full board)
Lehetséges bérelt lakásban lakni a tanulmányok alatt !in Valencia. de ez általában drágább. Hispania segítséget nyújt a lakásbérlésben, vagy saját maga is bérelhet lakást. További információ a lakásbérlésről
Shared apartment with other students: Doble Room
Shared apartment with other students: Single Room
Shared apartment with other students: Doble Room with private bathroom
Shared apartment with other students: Doble Room with air conditioner
Shared apartment with other students: Doble Room with private bathroom and air conditioner
Shared apartment with other students: Single Room with private bathroom
Shared apartment with other students: Single Room with Air Conditioner
Shared apartment with other students: Single Room with private bathroom and air conditioner
Nem folyamodhatunk vízumért diákjaink részére, de az iskola el tudja látni Önt a vízumigényléshez szükséges összes irattal.
A fogadó-nyilatkozatot külön költségek nélkül küldjük otthoni címére általános levélként.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Valencia based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Aggodalmak nélkül tanulhat külföldön a Language International betegség- és poggyászbiztosításával. Amikor lefoglalja a nyelvtanfolyamot, köthet nemzetközi biztosítást, amely nemcsak egészségügyi ellátásra, hanem a személyes tárgyak elvesztésére is vonatkozik. A biztosítást regisztrációkor előre kell megkötni.
A Hispania, escuela de español épülete a Valenciai Egyetem városközponti kampuszán található.
Iskolánk, egy gyönyörű spanyol villa a város Egyetemének területén, mindössze 5 perces buszútra fekszik az óvárostól, Valencia fő bevásárlóutcájától.
A Hispániát az Avenida Blasco Ibáñez, a Valenciai Egyetem rektorátusa és a Viveros park mellett találod. Egy nagyszerű helyen, hogy élvezd az egyetemi hangulatot! A városközpont az összes bevásárlóutcájával, egy rövid sétával elérhető, ahol élvezheted a különböző teraszokat és történelmi műemlékeket, vagy elmehetsz bevásárolni. Ellátogathatsz a lovaglóiskolába is, ahol a diákok szeretnek teniszezni, lovagolni, vagy merülni egyet a medencében. Felfedezheted a 8 km hosszú Turia parkot, amely a Bioparc Állatkertnél kezdődik, és a futurisztikus Művészetek és Tudományok Városáig tart.
Hispania, Escuela de Español
Calle De Bernat y Baldoví num 11
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The Cambridge Exam Preparation Course (FCE) starts every Monday.