CR Languages was founded in the summer of 2010 in Boise, Idaho, with the purpose of providing a resource to people interested in learning about other languages and cultures. We are a small operation that focuses on classes that utilize native-speakers and a full-immersion methodology. For us, studying another language goes far beyond verbs and vocabulary. Studying another language is about cultural exchanges, expanding our knowledge, personal challenges, and enrichment. Why are we different? The students at CR Languages make the intensive English course different from any other course. Most English students at CR Languages are adults who wish to improve their English in order to advance their career, or more actively participate in a global society. They simply want to improve their English and they are very motivated to do so. Having truly motivated students in the classroom pushes each person to learn and progress as much as possible. Each class is not a traditionally structured class. Students do not sit and take notes as an instructor lectures. And students do not spend any time in a computer lab with headphones. Rather, with a maximum group size of only six, students gather around a large table to communicate and study the language together, with the guidance and expertise of an experienced instructor. The approach that CR Languages takes to teaching a language is also unique. The truth is, language is always changing, and adapting with society and the people who speak the language. As such, we must look at the bigger picture when learning a language, rather than focusing on one style, accent, or dialect. This is especially true with English. For this reason, we utilize a unique curriculum in the class room to train students to understand different forms and accents in English, which is a very useful skill in today’s global marketplace.
Tatiana Di Marco vagyok, és azért jöttem, Olaszország. Augusztus 2014-ben részt vett az intenzív angol osztály: CR nyelvek; Volt egy-egy tanfolyam, két hétig.Minden reggel, három tanár kompetencia tutored nekem. Ezek professzionális és figyelmes,... more
Találtam CR nyelvek iskola Boise, mert volt utazni Boise munkatapasztalat, és szeretném használni az utazási, hogy javítsa angol tudásomat.Mivel már felvette a kapcsolatot a CR nyelvek adtak nekem minden figyelmét az oktatási intézményekbe, az... more
Ön akár diák, üzletember vagy utazó Boiseban van az Ön számára megfelelő nyelvtanfolyam. Minden szint és korosztály számára elérhetőek a nyelvtanfolyamok, bármilyen időtartamban. Csak válasszon egy nyelvtanfolyamtípust a lenti listából és fogjon hozzá.