Az International House Cork Summer School kiváló minőségű vegyes nemzetiségű Junior angol nyelvi programokat kínál egyének és csoportok számára 11-17 éves kor között nyaranta. A University College Cork létesítményeit használjuk, ami egy 1845-ben alapított Egyetem a déli parton, Írország második legnagyobb városában. Az UCC kampuszon megrendezésre kerülő program családoknál való elhelyezésre, valamint modern kampuszon való szállásra is kínál lehetőséget. Az University College Cork 44 hektáros, gyönyörűen parkosított területen található, mindössze 5 percre Cork városközpontjától, és kiváló szálláslehetőséget és sportlétesítményeket kínál diákjainak a kampusz területén. Létesítményei közé tartozik a nagy ebédlő, ahol minden étkezés folyik, fedett úszómedence, fedett tornatermek, tenisz, futó pálya és több szabadtéri futballpálya.
CEW is located in the heart of Cork city close to all amenities and services. The school's excellent location and its wide variety of courses make it an ideal location to study English: students can choose from general English courses or examination preparation courses. CEW has facilities that include a computer room with free internet access, free wifi throughout the school, self-study materials, a small library and lounge areas. The school offers a full social and leisure calendar to invite students to practice their English skills while visiting popular points of interest in and around the city. ***Please note that this school has a refund policy that differs from the standard refund policy of Language International. Please ask your student advisor about this policy for more information**** In the event of participant cancellation, 50% refund on fees will be payable one month prior to starting date of course. Full refund on fees will be payable six weeks prior to starting date of course. CANCELLATIONS The agent shall adhere to CEW's cancellation policy which is as follows: (i) In case of emergency or any unforeseen event, CEW has the right to cancel any course 2 weeks prior to starting date and refund any monies (Deposit, and Tuition Fees) which have been paid by the client. (ii) In the event of the client cancelling his/her course 3 weeks prior to the starting date of the course no deposit and no tuition fees will be returned and the agent will receive relevant commission. (iii) In the event of the client cancelling his/her course 4 weeks prior to the starting date of the course 50% of the fees will be refunded and the agent will receive relevant commission on 50% of tuition fees paid. Deposit will not be refunded. (iv) Full refund on tuition fees will be payable by CEW if CEW receives notification at least 6 weeks prior to course commencement date. Deposit will not be refunded. (v) No refunds once the client has commenced his/her course at CEW.
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Cork with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in Ireland. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Cork. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in Ireland have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Cork, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
Az ACET egy családi iskola 45 éves tapasztalattal. A központ két elegáns & stílusos épületben található, Cork városközpontjának szívében. Boutique iskolánk György korabeli elegáns belső térrel büszkélkedhet, valamint kiváló létesítményekkel & technológiával, a tanulási élmény fokozása érdekében. Az ACET szolgáltatása a maximális rugalmasságra, a versenyképes árakra összpontosít, kiváló jutalékokkal és kiváló ügynöktámogatással. Mint az egyetlen Eaquals és IALC iskola Corkban, kifejlesztettük és szilárdan megalapoztuk a profizmus és a kiválóság jó hírnevét, ami az ügynökök és ügyfelek igényeinek megértésén alapul, innovatív, progresszív és lelkes hozzáállásunknak köszönhetően. A tanfolyamok és programok széles körű választékát kínáljuk, beleértve az általános angol, üzleti angol, Vizsga Felkészítő, vezetői tanfolyam szakembereknek, Tanárképző kurzusok, angol Különleges Célokra, Egyéni tanfolyamok, valamint a tanulói csoportok és egész tanéves programok. Izgalmas ifjúsági és családi programjaink is vannak. Mi vagyunk az engedélyezett Cambridge ESOL Vizsgaközpont Corkban, amely az FCE, CAE, CPE, and BULATS vizsgákat kínálja. Büszkék vagyunk arra, hogy ügyfeleink számára a legmagasabb színvonalú tanfolyamokat, szolgáltatásokat kínáljuk versenyképes áron. Tanári és adminisztratív személyzetünk barátságos légkört biztosít, és büszke az egyes diákokra irányuló egyéni gondoskodásra és figyelemre.
Cork English Academy is Recognised by the Accreditation and Coordination of English Language Services (ACELS), through the service of Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI). These are the national bodies responsible for the development and management of English Language Teaching organisations. Our English language school is also a member of Marketing English in Ireland (MEI) which is a further badge of quality and assurance. English Language School Facilities: - Self-access and internet centre with free computer/internet access - Student lounge/common area with a vending machine, coffee and snacks available - Self- Study Area - Self study extra materials for home - Wireless internet available free throughout the building - An extensive range of textbooks, text materials and current authentic texts for in class use - School Library: Oxford University Press graded readers and many other books available to borrow for - English Language School Staff: Each member of the Cork English Academy team commits themselves to their roles in the areas of teaching, registration, accommodation, social programme, administration, and marketing. Our teachers are university graduates who have special qualifications to teach English as a foreign language. Many members of the teaching staff have extensive academic and general experience stretching over many years from teaching in Ireland and in other countries.
We are located in a newly renovated Georgian building in the beautiful South Terrace are of Cork City. We have 6 spacious classrooms, with groups from A1 to C2 level. At Patrick’s English Academy Cork, we use a method in which the English teacher will become your personal coach, who will make sure you are motivated, interacting and working hard in every moment. To do this, we have invested a lot of time to find and extensively train some of the best English teachers in Cork to provide classes of the highest quality. We have 7 teachers: 1 one from UK 4 from Ireland 1 from Usa 1 from Croatia We are proud of the fact that we are small, local school. This allows to provide a personalized, quality serivce for a reasonable price.
University College Cork, an 1845 University situated on the south coast in Ireland’s second largest city, is situated on 44 acres of beautifully landscaped grounds retaining its original school buildings as well as new modern buildings, accommodation and leisure facilities. The campus is ideally located just 10 minutes’ walk from Cork city centre and 2.5 hours’ drive from Dublin. There is an excellent sports complex on the campus with indoor swimming pool, tennis courts, climbing wall, indoor and outdoor running tracks, dance & spin studios and extensive outdoor football/hockey pitches.
The host are located in Cork and surrounding areas.
Do you want to study online English language courses in one of the most beautiful, vibrant and friendliest cities in Ireland? Then, welcome to Direct English Ireland, situated in the heart of Cork City in the South West of Ireland. At Direct English Ireland, you will receive high quality English language classes from highly qualified native English teachers. From day one you will be placed in a class suitable to your level and will gain confidence with the English language. We offer English language classes at nine different levels, from beginners to advanced, combined with social activities/cultural outings which aim to improve your English language skills while at the same time allowing you to experience what this wonderful country and city has to offer.
Új embereket ismerhettem meg és új barátokat szerezhettem. Sok diákkal találkoztam Spanyolországból, Olaszországból, Franciaországból, Németországból és Brazíliából. a korosztály változott, bár többségük tinédzser és fiatal felnőtt volt. Mint ilyen,... more
Két hétig részt vettem az Arany Programban (50+). A tanfolyam középpontjában a gyakorlati kommunikációs készségek fejlesztése állt egy laza és produktív légkörben. Nyolc diák voltunk öt különböző országból, a legtöbb német nyelvtudással, különböző... more
Ön akár diák, üzletember vagy utazó Corkban van az Ön számára megfelelő nyelvtanfolyam. Minden szint és korosztály számára elérhetőek a nyelvtanfolyamok, bármilyen időtartamban. Csak válasszon egy nyelvtanfolyamtípust a lenti listából és fogjon hozzá.