At L.two, we are goal-driven educators and enthusiastic supporters of interaction among people and cultures. We are passionate about languages, education, and entrepreneurship, and we obtain pure curiosity about every given field of study and work. Throughout our ongoing years of academic studying, teaching and hands-on experience, we have acquired excellent communication, personal management, and problem-solving skills, critical thinking, an eye for detail, and the capacity to cooperate with international clients with empathy and respect. We are team players with strong work values and profound learning skills, open for networking and always fond of innovative ideas for projects in business and education. Our positive, can-do attitude and our hardworking and enterprising approach have made all our cooperations flourish and our clients happy! Located in a safe and accessible neighborhood, the school is easily reachable by public transportation, walking or driving. Its facilities are modern and well-equipped, featuring technology-rich classrooms, a well-stocked library, and comprehensive facilities that, provide students with hands-on learning experiences that foster curiosity and innovation.
Real English Institute aims to offer the BEST quality in Language Teaching to all students. Apart from all certificates we provide, we intend to teach our students to speak all languages we teach fluently. In order to achieve this we: have created unique pioneering programmes, e.g. Τhe absolute R. programme. have built a significant number of Language schools all over Greece owned by the parent company, which are 100% controlled by the Headquarters. In general, the strategic plan of Real English Institute is to complete its development in Greece by 2022 creating 30 branches in total in selected areas by the parent company. Soon after that, we aim to create new branches abroad also controlled by the parent company. Our vision is to give Real English Institute the leading role in foreign education abroad within the next ten years. It is high time a small Greek company proved itself to be better than a number of multi-national language associations abroad.
Eureka is a brand-new school aiming to transmit the Modern Greek language and culture worldwide. Our goal is to engage students in various fun activities and through experiential learning help them gain a thorough knowledge of the Greek language in combination with various aspects of Greek culture. We offer modern Greek lessons for all levels, from absolute beginners to advanced. The courses are addressed to those who love the Greek language, as well as theater, history, mythology, literature, cooking and ... originality. Learn how to learn Greek in your own way within a pleasant and professional environment, while exploring the historical center of Athens.
Az iskola a városközpontban található. A város két legdominánsabb dombja veszi körbe: az Akropolisz domb – a Parthenonnal, ami egy építészeti remekmű – és a Lycabettus domb, amelynek a tetején a Szt. György templom áll. Az iskola közelében számos étterem, bár és kávézó található. Athén legnyüzsgőbb kerületei, mint a Plaka, a Psiri, a Theisio és a Kolonaki is könnyen elérhető gyalog. Az iskolában általános görög, ógörög, üzleti görög, tudományos görög kurzusokat nyújtunk, valamint tanárképző szemináriumokat is. Az iskola már a kezdetektől részt vállal a görög nyelv oktatására szánt tananyagok fejlesztésében, standard nyomtatott formában, valamint tanulói software (multimédiás CD) formájában is.
The host are located in Athens and surrounding areas.
Alexandria Institutes organises Ancient and Modern Greek language course for one, two or more weeks in Athens, in Paros island, in Samos island, in Chios island , in Methoni (Peloponnese), in other locations and online courses. All our Greek teachers are experienced and qualified in teaching Greek as a second language. In addition it offers excursions and various cultural activities, access to movie evenings, optional walking tours of museums, galleries and other sites. A Greek language student has access in our library, Wi-Fi facilities, all the appropriate teaching material (books, photocopies, CD) and a dinner at the end of the course in a typical Greek tavern. Alexandria Institutes carefully selects the place and destination for the students so that they can explore the Greek civilization and culture and live unforgettable experiences.
Highly skilled teachers All our teachers are native Greek speakers with master’s degrees in teaching Greek as a foreign language, and are highly experienced in this field. Before your arrival • You will receive all the assistance/guidance needed in regards to the most suitable course or combination of courses matched to your needs and interests. • You will receive all the necessary information in your preferred way (email, phone, WhatsApp, Viber, Skype etc) • You will receive all The Lamda`s Project necessary documents to read, sign and submit back to us (Accommodation rules etc). • Transportation (if requested) • Enrolment on short notice At The Lamda`s Project Center • You will receive our teaching material • You will have access to our lending library • You can come to us for personal advice (admins or teachers) • Free Wi-fi access • Pet-friendly • Information related in your interests (museums, exhibitions, cultural events, bars, clubs, restaurants etc.) After your class • You can participate in our indoor activities in your leisure time • You can participate in our city guide visits • You can join us in our outdoor activities • You can participate in our planned excursions and trips
A tanárok nagyon segítőkészek voltak, a tanítás minősége nagyon magas színvonalú volt, a biztosított források pedig nagyon hasznosak voltak. Az órákat nagyon szisztematikusan építették fel, és a gyakorlatokat a nyelv minden aspektusához (olvasás,... more
Kristinával tartottam leckéket, aki élénk volt, és mindig relevánsnak és vonzónak érezte a tanulást. Nagyon élveztem az olyan extra tevékenységeket is, mint a tánc és a múzeumlátogatás, amely lehetővé tette számomra, hogy többet tanuljak a görög... more
Ön akár diák, üzletember vagy utazó Athénban van az Ön számára megfelelő nyelvtanfolyam. Minden szint és korosztály számára elérhetőek a nyelvtanfolyamok, bármilyen időtartamban. Csak válasszon egy nyelvtanfolyamtípust a lenti listából és fogjon hozzá.