Rosemounts is internationally certified and is an award-winning English language school. We aim to create an environment that is fun and interactive because we believe that if learners enjoy their classes, they are more motivated to progress in their studies. Enroll for the right course and learn from our professional teachers who hold internationally recognized qualifications in teaching English. Our material gives you practical experience and skills to improve your English language abilities. Before the students begin the class, they are given a Language Placement Test. This helps our counselors assess the students’ current level of English Language Skills and place them accordingly. Thereby, ensuring that the students learn English in an environment in which they feel comfortable and confident. Our faculty ensures that students not only improve their reading, writing and listening skills but speaking skills as well. Role-playing, group, and pair work activities make learning English interesting and interactive. A range of video and audio material is used in the classrooms. This helps the students improve their accents and build their confidence. Regular discussions on current topics and world affairs make language learning authentic. Vocabulary and grammar sessions help enrich skills and improve academically. Periodical assessments provide the faculty as well as the students with precise feedback. Students are free to use the library for extra reading, writing or listening practice. At the end of the course, students have issued a certificate.
Ön akár diák, üzletember vagy utazó Palwalban van az Ön számára megfelelő nyelvtanfolyam. Minden szint és korosztály számára elérhetőek a nyelvtanfolyamok, bármilyen időtartamban. Csak válasszon egy nyelvtanfolyamtípust a lenti listából és fogjon hozzá.
Általános hindi nyelvtanfolyamok felnőtteknek, akik szeretnének javítani a hindi nyelvű beszéd, a szövegértés, az olvasás és az írás készségeiken. A legtöbb intenzív hindi nyelvtanfolyamhoz vízum szükséges és 16 éves vagy annál idősebb felnőttek számára tartják. 2 - 48 hetes nyelvtanfolyamok vehetők igénybe. A legtöbb tanfolyam átlagosan heti 30 órát tartalmaz.