A Genoa szívében, Liguria régióban (Olaszország északnyugati partja), a Riviera központjában található iskola egy elegáns, lenyűgöző, 19.századi épületben található, és könnyen megközelíthető busszal vagy vonattal. A város főbb turisztikai látványosságaitól mindössze néhány lépésre vagyunk, és az olyan világhírű úti célok, mint a Cinque Terre, Portofino (East Riviera) vagy Sanremo és Monte Carlo (West Riviera) is a közelben helyezkednek el. A Door to Italy sokféle tanfolyamot kínál minden szinten, a kezdőtől a haladó szintig, egész évben. Intenzív, nem intenzív, hosszú távú, speciális kulturális kurzusokat kínálunk. Rendszeresen tartunk különböző kulturális programokat, valamint olasz nyelvvzsga felkészítő kurzusokat is. Szakképzett és professzionális tanáraink vezetik a diákokat végig a nyelvtanulás útján. Számos különböző szálláshely, valamint számos szabadidős tevékenység áll rendelkezésre, hogy összeköthesd az olasz nyelv tanulását egy kellemes tartózkodással. Olasz tanulmányi programjainkat az olasz Oktatási Minisztérium (MIUR), az ASILS és az EDUITALIA akkreditálja. Különleges kurzusokat is tartunk CELI és CILS vizsgákra. A Door to Italy egy hivatalos CELI Vizsgaközpont.
Learn Italian & live in your private teacher's home around Genoa with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including Italian lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in Italy. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one Italian lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Genoa. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in Italian. All of our teachers in Italy have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Genoa, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
The host are located in Genoa and surrounding areas.
Nello scenografico centro di Genova, a pochi passi dal lungomare, la scuola occupa un edificio storico magnificamente restaurato. La scuola è ufficialmente sede di esame CILS, autorizzata dall’Università di Siena. Tutto l’anno un’ampia gamma di corsi sono disponibili: corsi di gruppo e individuali. Per esigenze speciali offriamo corsi intensivi, serali, durante il week-end, di conversazione, di cucina oppure preparazione per gli esami. I corsi di lunga durata sono offerti a prezzi scontati. La missione di Scuola Tricolore é di servire onorevolmente coloro che sono interessati a imparare la lingua italiana in Italia offrendo una qualitá superiore d’insegnamento e un'esperienza indimenticabile e di poter raggiungere una comprensione completa dell'Italia e dell’italiano. A tale scopo offriamo tante attività e uscite, come degustazione vini, corsi di cucina, hiking, gite in barca a vela, tour della città, seminari, film italiani e di più. Potrai scoprire Genova coi nostri tour speciali
The school is located in the heart of Genoa, inside an historic elegant building. It is easy to reach with the numerous public transportation services that connect it to the various districts of the city. The school is surrounded by many cafes, bars, restaurants, supermarkets and shops. The building comfortably welcomes students in the many classrooms, it has a large relaxing area where you can drink a coffee during your breaks and it is fully covered by a high-speed Wi-Fi network. The school is open all year round. Being in a city characterized by a pleasant Mediterranean climate throughout the year, offering numerous cultural and social events, exhibitions and concerts, you will have plenty of opportunities to practice your Italian. The friendly and always smiling school staff is there to help you and assist you from the very beginning of your experience. The school will be your landmark during your stay in Genoa!
Amalelingue is a language school based in Genoa. It specializes in teaching the Italian language to foreigners studying for cultural, professional and educational purposes. Its main characteristics are: small classes, suitable for direct contact with students and their needs, as well as a warm and welcoming atmosphere. The Amalelingue L2 Italian school staff is made up of specialized and skilled teachers, who are able to interact with students of various ages and backgrounds. A stylish and elegant school, Amalelingue is based in the very heart of Genoa, an ideal starting point in order to discover the city. It is located in the liveliest part of the historic centre, in a pedestrian zone, within walking distance of the most interesting sites.
A tanárok nagyon barátságosak és jól felkészültek voltak, és nagyra értékeltem, hogy minden nap ketten tartottak előadást. Sokat segített, hogy különböző személyiségekkel kellett megküzdenem. Nagy segítségemre voltak a tanársegédek, akik jelen... more
Én élveztem a csoport tapasztalat gyakorló, hallgat, és beszélget. A tanárok erősíti az én előzetes olasz nyelvtan olvasás és beszélt, valamint tanította nekem, hogyan kell helyesen beszélni. Élveztem a kulturális élmények és a kirándulások, amely... more
Ön akár diák, üzletember vagy utazó Genovaban van az Ön számára megfelelő nyelvtanfolyam. Minden szint és korosztály számára elérhetőek a nyelvtanfolyamok, bármilyen időtartamban. Csak válasszon egy nyelvtanfolyamtípust a lenti listából és fogjon hozzá.