Labeling - The school of Italian in Sicily - was founded in 1994 and it is recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education. The school is open for the whole year. Language courses are also addressed to foreigners residing in Italy. Moreover, we can arrange groups or private tuition. Our main premises are in Milazzo, but we also organize courses in the Aeolian Islands and on board a sailboat. The school is in Milazzo, Sicily, in the old town not far away from the port for the Aeolian Islands and from the Cathedral. Our classrooms are well-lit and equipped with air conditioning. Our students can use the school internet point for free. Course levels and contents comply with the standards set by the Council of Europe and the Common European Framework for Languages. The Italian language courses are divided into six different levels: A1 - A2, B1 - B2 and C1 - C2. At Labeling, it is possible to sit the CILS (Certificazione di Italiano come Lingua Straniera) exam, due to an agreement with Università per Stranieri di Siena. Besides standard group classes, you can attend specific preparation classes for the CILS exam. Accommodation for the students is directly selected by the school. There are different possibilities according to the students' needs. Although flats, houses, and hotels are located in the town centre or close to it, they are all in very quiet neighborhoods a few minutes walk from the school. Milazzo is located at the beginning of a long peninsula stretching from the mainland towards the Aeolian Islands. The town is dominated by the ancient Castle and it is surrounded by the sea. The western beach is very long with a view of the islands of Alicudi, Filicudi, Salina, Lipari, and Vulcano. The sunsets you can admire from here are simply unique and unforgettable. Leaving the port with its hectic pace, there is the town hall built in neoclassical style, here the rhythm slows down on a human scale. The fish market, close to the old town centre, transports visitors to the old lifestyle of fishermen. From here you can walk to the shops, the beaches, and the pubs, bars, and discos. Milazzo has always been a favorite holiday place for Italians and you can experience the true Italian lifestyle. There are various ways to spend your free time in Milazzo and the Aeolian Islands. Moreover, students can join the school program of leisure activities, trips and other cultural or entertainment initiatives organized during the week and at weekends.
Kalandos, nem közvetlenül Milazzóban laktam, hanem Torregrottában. Lehetőség volt busszal vagy vonattal utazni. Az egész személyzet nagyon barátságos és segítőkész volt. Jól éreztem magam, és megtanulhattam az olasz nyelv alapjait. more
A Laboling iskolában való tartózkodásom csodálatos volt! Ez egy nagyszerű lehetőség az ország kultúrájának megtapasztalására, érdekes emberekkel való találkozásra, nyelvtanulásra és jól érezni magát! more
Ön akár diák, üzletember vagy utazó Milazzoban van az Ön számára megfelelő nyelvtanfolyam. Minden szint és korosztály számára elérhetőek a nyelvtanfolyamok, bármilyen időtartamban. Csak válasszon egy nyelvtanfolyamtípust a lenti listából és fogjon hozzá.