Named after Nicaragua's most famous poet, Ruben Dario, the Dariana Spanish School is a school dedicated to filling the mouths of its students with rich flavors of the Spanish language. Unique among Leon's many schools, all of our teachers hold college degrees and a love of their language. We have the experience and flexibility to tailor your classes to whatever your goals might be. Travelers baffled by the cacophony of Latin American markets and streets can develop their conversational skills, and advanced students can learn the nuances that separate the foreigners from the native speakers. We can create a program for anyone whose needs fall anywhere between. We design programs for business, medicine or the sciences. Furthermore, we specialize in university and school groups, working with their professors and teachers to develop programs that build language skills while enriching student cultural understanding. And what better place to study than Leon? Leoneses, as we call ourselves, take pride in both our wit and our welcome. Site of Nicaragua's National University, Leon is a lively and safe city with a long tradition of intellectual curiosity and exciting cultural life. By day the markets burst with bright fruits and activity; by night live music from the many cafes and restaurants spill out into the streets. Nicaragua's capital for 242 years, Leon is a beautiful and friendly city with its colonial churches and fascinating culture. And only 20 minutes from beautiful Pacific beaches, you can indulge both your mind and body during your stay. Leon will welcome you.
Ön akár diák, üzletember vagy utazó Leonban van az Ön számára megfelelő nyelvtanfolyam. Minden szint és korosztály számára elérhetőek a nyelvtanfolyamok, bármilyen időtartamban. Csak válasszon egy nyelvtanfolyamtípust a lenti listából és fogjon hozzá.
Általános spanyol nyelvtanfolyamok felnőtteknek, akik szeretnének javítani a spanyol nyelvű beszéd, a szövegértés, az olvasás és az írás készségeiken. A legtöbb intenzív spanyol nyelvtanfolyamhoz vízum szükséges és 16 éves vagy annál idősebb felnőttek számára tartják. 2 - 48 hetes nyelvtanfolyamok vehetők igénybe. A legtöbb tanfolyam átlagosan heti 30 órát tartalmaz.